slash and burn

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slash and burn agriculture
Skip Navigation Slash and Burn Agriculture Left: Biomass burning in East Amazon Basin. Photo: NASA Earth Observation Images In response to our Tropical Poison module Katarina B. L. Berg, a teacher and ... : Biomass burning in South America. Photo: NASA Earth Observation Images [ Slash & Burn Agriculture ] [ From the Seat of the Bulldozer ] [ Regrowth in a Tropical Rainforest ...

Slash and Burn
Slash and Burn Amazon Interactive Making a Living Slash and burn is an ecologically harmonious method of cultivation only when the population density--the number of people living in an area--is low. Slash and burn ... area has grown so much that slash and burn--also known as milpa, swidden, and shifting cultivation--is very destructive to the rain forest. Back to Coffee and Conservation Back to Amazon ...

Depletion and conservation
Jhum in the Indian subcontinent. They clear a patch of forest, cultivate crops on it, and abandon it the following season ... other conservation measures have to be taken to save the forests from further depletion and degeneration. Governments and communities should take steps to plant trees on a large scale. The community ...

ORIGIN & MISSION - THE DOI TUNG DEVELOPMENT PROJECT - How People and Nature Can Co-Exist in Harmony
Doi Tung Development Project has helped to facilitate the co-existence of people and nature and has provided a powerful incentive for the local community to conserve the ..., Amazon Info - Save, preserve and protect Amazon Basin rainforest for free
Napo River and it's tributaries. Throughout the zone, there has been minimal impact by slash-and-burn agriculture, logging, fishing and ...

Environment and History Vol.8
Lars Ostlund Vol.8 No.2, May 2002 Histories of Protected Areas: Internationalisation of Conservationist Values and their Adoption in the Netherlands Indies (Indonesia). Paul Jepson and Robert Whitaker Medieval Slash-and-Burn ... Romero, Ruth Baker, Joel E. Cresswell, Anuradha Singh, Annabelle McKie and Michael Manna Native Forest and the Rise of Preservation in New Zealand (1903-1913). Paul ...

Medieval Slash-and-Burn Cultivation: Strategic or Adapted Land Use in the Swedish Mining District?
Deliberately used by the mining peasant, slash-and-burn was a way to turn forest resources into cereals, animal fodder and charcoal for iron-making. However, the initial practice of slash-and-burn ... land use from slash-and-burn cultivation to field cultivation and a meadow-field-rotation system. This study also shows that the practice of slash-and-burn and its ... More from this site

SD @ ASB Open Science Meeting on Tropical Forests and Water; 8 December 2004; Indonesia
Water 8 December 2004 | Amazon Room, CIFOR Campus, Bogor, West Java, Indonesia IISD's SUMMARY REPORT is available online in: | HTML | PDF | TEXT | Visit the Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn (ASB) Consortium The Alternatives to Slash-and-Burn Consortium’s (ASB) Open Science Meeting on Tropical Forests and Water took place on 8 December ...

Letters and Articles published on Forest Issues - March 1999 to December 2000
Slash-and-burn policy so wrong Gillian Breth, East Brighton, The Age (letter) Let's fell old-growth forests and burn them like coal to make electricity. That's the latest brainchild of Business Victoria (The Age, 22/7). Apparently our forests are to be despised and "you might as well burn the lot standing'' to make way for "better timber". 27/7/1999 Woodchip burn ...

Slash-and-burn policy so wrong
Slash-and-burn policy so wrong Slash-and-burn policy so wrong Gillian Breth, East Brighton, The Age (letter), 31/7/1999 Back to Letters Back to Forest Letter Watch Let's fell old-growth forests and burn them like coal to make electricity. That's the latest brainchild of Business Victoria (The Age, 22/7). Apparently our forests are to be despised and "you might as well burn ... More from this site

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