skates and rays

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Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Stingray tail spine © George Burgess Electric Organs Elasmobranchs (sharks, skates, and rays) possess an electric sense system known as the ampullae of Lorenzini. This ... skates and rays also have electric producing organs. The electric rays have paired electric organs located on either side of the head, behind the eyes. With these organs, electric rays are able to shock and ...

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Teachers - Sea Searchers Handbook of Hands-On Activities
Explore rocky shores, wetlands, sandy shores, kelp forests, the open sea and the deep sea and enjoy over 90 hands-on activities. The handbook is available in PDF format (download ... fish a fish? Adapted for specific habitats, fish have different body parts and behaviors to help them survive. Sharks, Skates and Rays (14 pgs., 1.8 MB) Humans have long been fascinated by sharks ...

EJF: Why Is Wildlife Traded?
An estimated 100 million sharks, skates and rays are caught every year. There may be fewer than 5,000 tigers surviving in the wild. Hawksbill and other marine turtles are slaughtered for their shell and for meat that ...

Glossary of Terms - Environmental Protection Agency, Ireland
Demersal Fish - Fish such as cod, whiting, plaice, haddock, skates and rays, that spend most of their time swimming near the seabed. It usually refers to ... Geomorphology - The study of the form and development of the Earth, and especially of its surface and physical features, and of the relationship between these features and the geological structures beneath. Green Accounting - ...

Fish to Avoid
MSC certified fisheries) 11. Nursehound (bull huss, dogfish, flake, greater spotted dogfish) and Spurdog (piked dogfish, rock salmon, spiny dogfish) 12. European Hake 13. Greater ... Skates and Rays (except mature cuckoo, spotted and starry rays) 27. Snapper 28. Sturgeon 29. Swordfish 30. Tiger prawn (except organically farmed) 31. Tuna (except dolphin friendly,pole and line caught yellowfin and ...

Elasmobranch – fish with a cartilaginous, non-bony skeleton (sharks, skates and rays). Ephemeral- Being present only briefly, as in naturally occurring mussel beds. Eutrophication – the process whereby receiving waters become hyper-enriched by nutrient inputs, resulting in excessive plant growth and ... More from this site

About Us - Marine life, Sea creatures, Ocean biology, Marine conservation...
His research interests involve elasmobranch (sharks, skates and rays) and teleost (bony or ray-finned fishes) molecular endocrinology: "Animals respond to unexpected changes in their environment by altering their physiology and ...

Sharks and How They Live - Script
Fish with cartilaginous skeletons are grouped together in a special class which also includes the skates and rays, close relatives of the sharks. All of these cartilaginous fishes have another trait marking ... organ. Sharks, skates and rays have no swim bladders and thus have different means of dealing with the fact that they are slightly heavier than water, and tend to sink. The skates simply stay ...

Florida Museum of Natural History Ichthyology Department
Pacific coasts. The primary objectives and service to the public of projects conducted by the NSRC are: Conduct and advance basic and applied scientific research on sharks, skates, and rays. Communicate scientific research and ...

Excessive growth and accumulation of phytoplankton and seaweed would be detrimental to coral vitality and diversity, and low nutrient conditions ... and sea urchins. Octopuses, squids, clams, scallops, marine snails, and also some species of sharks, skates, and rays live on or near the reef. Some sea turtles frequent reef areas. Green, loggerhead, and ...

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