Results 1 - 2 from 2 for sinew backed bow in 0.067 sec.
Ecocomposite: Sinew-backed Bows
Further Information: Excellent Video (Hard to get -- A retail source for consumers is needed.) Sinew-backed Bow and its Arrows. FCA 1207. Department of Anthropology, University of California, 1961. 24 min., ... of California American Indian Film Series. The film follows in detail the construction of a sinew-backed bow--the finest and strongest of the bows used by American Indians--by a Yurok ...
Helluland/Markland Archeology
Greenland (1000-1200). Dorset people did not use dogs or dogsleds, or the bow and arrow, and for this reason they probably were not a major threat to Norse ... and walrus, used dogs and dog sleds, and lived in larger communities. Their Asian-style sinew-backed bows would have made them dangerous adversaries for the Norse as well. Skraeling Island [Enlarge ...