signatory countries

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Results 1 - 10 from 72 for signatory countries in 0.670 sec.

Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
Mexico to specifically preclude enforcement by signatory countries "in keeping with national laws". Thus, even by the lights of its own previous press ...

Yu Jie, Greenpeace China, drew attention to devastating floods in China, and urged industrialized countries to provide financial support so that all countries ... suggested that UNEP facilitates a dialog between vulnerable areas, like low lying countries, small island states and arctic people. Osvaldo Girardin, for research and ...

OSPAR Convention: Convention for Protection of Marine Environment of North-East Atlantic
OSPAR signatory states: Belgium, Denmark (including, for these purposes, the self-governing province of the Faroe ... European Community is also a signatory, as are Luxembourg and Switzerland. At present it is legal to discharge WBM cuttings in the offshore waters of the OSPAR signatory countries, provided the oil ...

Ministerial Conference on the Protection of Forests in Europe
Biuletyn Informacyjny Jednostki Łącznikowej MPOLE Participants European countries and the EU Observer countries Observer organisations News from Participants Stakeholder seminar ... countries, the European Community as well as by observer organisations and countries during the Conference Sessions. Additionally, it comprises the outcomes of the Warsaw Summit adopted by 40 MCPFE signatory countries ...

When signing the Kyoto Protocol in 1997, signatory countries governments agreed to put in place measures aimed at stabilising emissions of all main ... important applications including refrigeration, air conditioning and insulation foam blowing agents. Even if some countries expressed their intention to phase them out on the sole basis of their ...

REC Board of Directors
REC. The members of the Board of Directors are appointed by the signatory countries of the REC's Charter. Corrado Clini Director General Ministry for the Environment Land and ...

Energy tax made easy
BENCHMARK the highest taxation rates for energy, presently imposed by the federal governments of countries with more than 35 million people. Each country with lighter energy taxation rates ... all countries had finally reached similar tax levels for exhaustible energy, then future annual conferences could focus on how rapidly taxation rates should be escalated for all signatory countries in unison ...

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Information
Information Additional information on the Kyoto Protocol including the full text and a list of signatory countries can be found at the UNFCCC Convention and Kyoto Protocol web site. Specific information relating ...

Saskatchewan Environmental Society Climate Change International Issues
Non-signatory countries also have opportunities for involvement. The Kyoto Protocol allows for purchase of GHG offsets in non-signatory countries, e.g. through afforestation projects (the planting of trees on lands which were not previously forest-covered). The Clean Development Mechanism allows signatory countries ...

FoE Europe - Forests
FLEGT Action Plan: 1) Voluntary Partnership Agreements (VPAs) VPAs aim to help signatory countries improve their governance and law enforcement and help themimplement a licensing system to ... will most probably not include secondary processed products and circumvention via China and other countries specialized in wood processing. 2) Additional options for further measures In December 2006 ...

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