Results 1 - 10 from 13 for ships trucks and trains in 0.390 sec.
Californians Deserve Secure Ports, Safe Air and Safe Roads Without Bond Debt
Basin. The shipment of cargo containers - into the ports and across the state – uses a vast network of ships, trucks and trains that emit deadly pollution. With international trade expected to triple ... 71% of all adults surveyed (Republican and Democrat, in all regions of the state) were willing to support tougher air pollution standards for ships, trucks and trains that ship goods, even if it ...
Safer fuels required in commercial ships and cargo-loading machines
Air Resources Board today rightly adopted two rules to require commercial ships and cargo loading-machines, found at seaports and railyards, to burn safer, cleaner fuels, effectively slashing an impressive ... no other reason than that they have been exposed to air pollution produced by ships, trucks and trains. We applaud these decisions by the Air Resources Board. # # # >> Press Release Archives << ...
More from this site Pattern Browser
Trains and ships are extremely energy efficient compared to trucks and planes. Over time, all transportation systems will make a transition to Renewable Energy. By building diverse local economies, encourage only those exports which are value-added and ...
Get Energy Wise
Energy can heat or cool our homes and schools. Energy moves our cars, buses, motorcycles, trucks, planes and trains. Energy lets us ... the Stone Age, fire has been used to provide heat and light. In ancient times people used wind to sail their ships and grind grain. A hundred year's ago falling water was ...
NRDC: OnEarth Magazine, Fall 2006 - The View from NRDC
QUOT; THE PORTS OF LOS ANGELES and Long Beach have unveiled plans for a coordinated five-year program to reduce air pollution from ships, trucks, and trains at ports. It's the biggest effort of its type the industry has seen, a carrot-and-stick approach to propel ship lines, railroads, truckers, and marine terminals ...
Pacific Institute Online Update for February 2005
Trucks Workgroup of the West Oakland Toxic Reduction Collaborative, which brings together residents, agencies, and businesses to identify strategies to reduce pollution from trucks in West Oakland. 7/6/05 Emily Lee and ... residents, agencies, and businesses to identify strategies to reduce pollution from non-road sources in West Oakland, including construction equipment, ships, and trains. 7/4-7/ ...
SPA :: Peak Oil
It fuels the vast majority of the world’s mechanized transportation equipment – Automobiles, trucks, airplanes, trains, ships, farm equipment, the military, etc. Oil is also the primary feedstock for ... . Previous energy transitions (wood to coal and coal to oil) were gradual and evolutionary; oil peaking will be abrupt and revolutionary. Peak Oil and Population The conjunction of peaking global ...
Great Lakes Ports & Shipping
Lakes-St. Lawrence Seaway, ships can reach Detroit, Mich., by covering only 3,673 miles (5,911 km). Ship travel saves energy, too, in comparison to trains, trucks and airplanes. A ship can move ... six 100-car unit trains, which makes ships a very economical way to haul bulk quantities. Fuel efficiency also translates into fewer air emissions than produced by trucks or trains. Ship transport is safer ...
"Energy resources and our future" - remarks by Admiral Hyman Rickover delivered in 1957 | Energy Bulletin
Occasionally the ... , once we have borne the initial high cost of electrifying railroads and replacing buses with streetcars or interurban electric trains. But, unless science can perform the miracle of synthesizing automobile ...
Ports | Sector Strategies Program | US EPA
The challenge is to help the ports and their trade partners minimize their environmental footprint ... USA Workshop; on March 8th at the Clean Diesel and Retrofit Workgroup and Subgroup meetings for Ports and Construction; and on March 15th at the Diesel Retrofit Forum at the ...
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