shaped face

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Ecobeetle's Endangered Species - Grizzly Bear - Conservation Information,Pictures,Facts,Links,Books
Grizzlies are recognizable by their large head, dish-shaped face profile, long claws, small round ears, small eyes and muscular hump on the back. The ...

Northern Harriers in Kansas
The harrier is the only hawk with an owl-like facial disk. This dish-shaped face probably assists the birds in hearing small mammals rustling through the grass. Male and female ...

GrungyApe - Pongo pygmaeus abelii
Sumatran males do not have the protruding cheek pads and are often characterized by a ginger colored mustache and a diamond shaped face. Orangutan males are approximately ...

Grizzly Brown Bears damage control techniques
The brown bears (including the grizzly) are also characterized by their high eye profile, dish-shaped face, and short, thick ears. Range The brown bears of North America have lost considerable range ... attacked by a grizzly/brown bear, passively resist by playing dead. Drop to the ground face down, lift your legs up to your chest, and clasp both hands over the back ...

Latodami Owls
Sept. 15      Sept. 14 The Barn Owl has a distinguishing white, heart-shaped face rimmed with a brownish edge.  You can see why other names for this owl include ...

Cat Breeds, Types, Variants and Hybrids
Current Thai "lucky" breed with silver-tipped blue fur, modified oriental build and distinctive heart-shaped face which differentiates it from Russian Blue and Foreign Blue Shorthair. Also called Si-Sawat or ... similar to Ragdoll. Medium sized, medium boned shorthair with muscular body, egg-shaped head and open, alert almond-shaped blue/blue-green eyes. Head wide and rounded at top. Good height with ...

Cat Breeds, Types, Variants and Hybrids
Modern Siamese has an exaggerated "tubular" oriental body and long triangular face bearing little resemblance to the original ... in Denmark from cats found in Sokoke region of Kenya. Modified wedge shaped head, tufted ears, almond shaped amber to light green eyes. Slender, muscular, strongly boned medium-long body ... More from this site

Michigan United Conservation Clubs
Look Like This is a pale, slim, long-legged owl with a large, white, heart-shaped face and dark eyes. Its breast is white to buffy and has some spots. It stands ...

STW - Bottlenose Dolphin
Latin tursio for an animal like the dolphin; from the Greek ops for face; from the Latin truncare for cut off. A question often asked is what is the ... tend to have a blunter shaped face, lacking the distinguished beak of dolphins. The dentition of the two also differs. Porpoises have spade-shaped teeth while dolphins have conical-shaped teeth. Bottlenose dolphins display ...

Hawk and Owl Trust | Owls | Barn owl
Seen close to it has a heart-shaped face and dark eyes. Its plumage is golden-buff and grey above, and white below. The ...

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