shall pay

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Results 1 - 10 from 224 for shall pay in 0.914 sec.

Helcom : Convention
Each Contracting Party shall ensure that this information shall be available to the public at all reasonable times and shall provide members of the public with reasonable ... . 4. The European Economic Community shall contribute no more than 2.5% of the administrative costs to the budget. 5. Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses related to the participation ...

ENB @ ITPGR GB-1; 12-16 June 2006; Madrid, Spain; Highlights for Friday, 16 June 2006
... the third party beneficiary; a percentage of 1.1% as the fixed percentage a recipient shall pay when a product is commercialized yet not available without restriction to others for further research ...

New Rules Project - Agriculture - Ethanol and Biodiesel Incentives - Missouri
The department of agriculture shall pay all grants for a particular month ... biodiesel producer in excess of fifteen gallons shall not be applied to the computation of a grant pursuant to this subsection. The department of agriculture shall pay all grants for a particular month ...

CL 121/5
Multilateral System. Following this assessment, the Governing Body shall decide whether access shall continue to be facilitated to those natural and legal persons referred to in ... shall include a requirement that a recipient who commercializes a product that is a plant genetic resource for food and agriculture and that incorporates material accessed from the Multilateral System, shall pay ...

EcoPeace / Regional Data
The Annexes, Appendices, and other attachments to this Treaty shall be considered integral parts thereof. ARTICLE 28 INTERIM MEASURES The Parties will apply, in ... shall pay the operation and maintenance cost of such transfer through existing systems (not including capital cost) and shall bear the total cost of any new transmission system. A separate protocol shall ...

IDAD - Handbook
Chapter due to failure to pay the required annual dues and/or assessments to IDAD at the time required shall be in default for the ... of required dues (90) days past due shall be in default and his/her/Chapter membership shall be terminated by the Board of ... to the Institute's programs and activities). Members of this Chapter shall pay annual dues levied in the amounts and at the times required, ...

IHMM Policies
The candidate shall pay the examination fee but need not submit a new application ... Business records, including CHMM files: All IHMM records shall be treated as confidential and shall not be rented, sold, or released, ... will be evaluated through a system of peer review. Reviewers shall evaluate recertification applications in accordance with guidelines prepared by ...

Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea Area (1992)
Each Contracting Party shall ensure that this information shall be available to the public at all reasonable times and shall provide members of the public with reasonable ... . 4. The European Economic Community shall contribute no more than 2.5% of the administrative costs to the budget. 5. Each Contracting Party shall pay the expenses related to the participation ...

The Sintra Statement (1998)
WE SHALL PAY particular attention to the safety of workers in nuclear installations. To this end, ... that many other international organisations make vital contributions to protecting the marine environment. WE SHALL CONTINUE to work nationally, within the OSPAR Commission, with other regional seas programmes, ... More from this site

International Vegetarian Union - 5th World Vegetarian Congress 1923
National Food-Reform Society whose executive power is vested only in its vegetarian members shall be eligible for membership of the International Vegerarian Union. The Conference advised all Vegetarian ... of a percentage payment. It was resolved:- That each Society joining the International Vegetarian Union shall pay annually one per cent, of its income from subscriptions, as shown on the balance ...

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