Results 1 - 10 from 77 for severely depleted in 0.248 sec.
Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
U.S. ... the extremely low observed mortality -- some of the most severely depleted stocks are still declining. Any setting of nets on these depleted stocks of dolphins is currently prohibited for solid ...
Iguana Specialist Group (formerly the West Indian Iguana Specialist Group)
Pianka 1986; Phillips 1995). However, in degraded habitats, populations of these lizards may be severely depleted relative to expected carrying capacity. Biomass estimates of healthy iguana populations often exceed 20kg/ha ...
The Northern Right Whale
By the 19th century, the species was severely depleted. Since the implementation of ... "genetic bottleneck" within the species has led to inbreeding among the few hundred remaining whales, severely reducing the ability of the whales to reproduce successfully and contributing in part to a ...
Seal Conservation Society: 1997 News Digest
Baikal seal mortality. Baikal seals have been severely threatened in recent times by hunting and environmental pollutants. (7 July 1997) HELCOM reject revision ... seal species in the Baltic Sea - grey seal, harbour seal and ringed seal - have been severely depleted this century by hunting and the effects of pollution and are only starting to recover ...
SCS: Ringed Seal (Phoca hispida)
Pollution-caused uterine occlusions, which severely reduce reproductive rates and which are probably caused by organochlorines such as PCBs, peaked at ... Ladoga seals at the start of the 20th century, but hunting up to the 1940s severely depleted the population. Hunting was banned in 1980 but illegal hunting and some killing of seals ...
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Water trouble in Gujarat : The Woes of Rajkot
The basis of their ire is severely depleted groundwater. The source of their ire is the water crisis-driven city of Rajkot. The ... the source of municipal water. But lack of rains over a period saw the reservoirs severely depleted, and the city plunged into a perennial thirst. So it was that the city's ...
NCMC Conservation News - NCMC Asks for Habitat Protection for Bluefin Tuna in the Gulf of Mexico
The western bluefin spawning stock, which breeds in the Gulf of Mexico, is severely depleted. Dr. Block's studies point to the need for stricter controls on fishing in ...
2007 IUCN Red List – 2003 Photo Gallery
This subpopulation was hunted to near extinction and remains severely depleted. The potential impacts of industrial activity throughout the subpopulation’s known range are poorly understood ...
East African Wildlife Society - Good News for Mangroves
Over-exploitation of the timber resource has an impact on their food resource as shown ...
History of forests in India
During World War I forest resources were severely depleted as large quantities of timber were removed to build ships and railway sleepers and to ...
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