setback thermostats

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Energy Federation Utility Division Capabilities
Measures we process rebates for include programmable thermostats, compact fluorescent light bulbs, compact fluorescent light fixtures, furnaces, boilers, air conditioning ... hundreds of thousands of water conservation devices, tens of thousands of programmable, setback thermostats, and also various weatherstripping and sealant products, timers and controls, and even ...

EcoIQ Magazine Spring 1999 Features
The other three myths are similar. "Many people still believe that furnace thermostats should not be turned down at night because it takes more energy than it ... recommended with 55 to 60 degree setting for office buildings and schools. "Homes with night-setback thermostats and buildings with computerized energy management systems warm up before residents arise or workers arrive ...

SBN Feature Article: February 1997
Honeywell), and compact fluorescent lamps. For more information: Kristin Shewfelt McStain Enterprises, Inc. 75 ...

Automatic setback thermostats come in many varieties and models. They all regulate your heating and cooling system to provide comfort when you decide you need it. Most setback thermostats allow ... programmable thermostat. Most makers of heat pumps offer setback thermostats specifically designed for their units. An improperly used or mismatched setback device can actually increase the cost of operating ...

Sourcebook Programmable Thermostat
Other conserving thermostats include electromechanical thermostats with setbacks and occupancy thermostats. The electromechanical types are lower cost and use bimetallic ... cooling and heating modes. Sensing of outdoor conditions so that recovery from a setback setting can occur in a timely manner. Manual program override. Operation on ...

EERE Consumer's Guide: Thermostats and Control Systems
This leads some people to suggest that setback is inappropriate for these systems. However, some manufacturers now offer thermostats that track the performance of your heating ... Programmable Thermostat Most programmable thermostats are either digital, electromechanical, or some mixture of the two. Digital thermostats offer the most features in terms of multiple setback settings, overrides, ...

Green Web Guide: Room by room suggestions for greening the home.
Thermostat Install a programmable thermostat that combines a clock and a thermostat to automatically setback temperatures when you will be away or asleep. A programmable thermostat is convenient and very ... where you are wasting energy. Tankless water heaters Washable air filters Whole house fans Programmable thermostats WANT TO BE ON THIS LIST? LEARN HOW.