Results 1 - 10 from 12 for seral species in 0.325 sec.
Plant Succession on the Colorado Plateau
These species recolonize the area and essentially prepare it for the invasion of later successional species. These later seral species may occupy the site for several hundred years until finally the climax species take over. In forested communities, most climax tree species ...
Quaking Aspen Forests of the Colorado Plateau
Zones Changes in the Biota Endangered Species California Condor Endangered Fish Mammal populations Megafaunal Extinction Invasive/Exotic Species Forest Composition Species Range Expansion Species Extirpations Status and Trends of Plants ... may have to reseed. Although aspen is considered a climax species on some sites, it is usually seral to conifers. This replacement is gradual and can take from ...
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The Dakubetede Wilderness Area
The western portion of the north unit burned in 1987, providing an opportunity to study native and alien plant competition in an early seral ...
Gap Boycott's letter to CDF on 10/17/97
Greenwood Creek watershed is a violation of the federal Endangered Species Act. These timber harvest ... was done. A host of other sensitive species were ignored (such as the 50+ species of cavity nesters) or were given a ...
Gap Boycott's letter to CDF on 11/24/97
THP, adequate for the protection and recovery of endangered and threatened species, and species of special concern? This critical question needs to be answered before existing wildlife corridors ... seral stands will be located in special management areas primarily along riparian corridors, but also in some upslope areas," and states that these areas will be managed for "multi-species ...
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University of New South Wales Public View
Australia. While being a tourist icon on Rottnest Island, the species is threatened with extinction. It has been intensively studied on ... swamp following the winter inundation and this may increase the species susceptibility to predation. The lack of dispersal is probably caused ... age of the swamp and a mosaic of early and late seral stages within the swamp habitat. Recently burnt habitat is thought ...
Houghton's Goldenrod ESA
Species composition shows little departure from original structure and composition (except,in seral or disturbance-dependant communities). Population Size and ... of exotic species (if only localized and/or a minor component of flora), recoverable departure from original structure and composition for the site (except in seral and disturbance ...
Threats: The main threats include habitat fragmentation due to urban and agricultural development, alien species, and fire suppression. Description Taxonomic: This tiny butterfly belongs to a group called ... seral, dry grasslands (EPA Federal register Document, January 25,2000). Find Out More: Reports EPA Federal Register Document. January 25,2000. Volume 65, Number 16 ...
Partners in Flight Colorado Martins
Flight Physiographic Region 62: Southern Rocky Mtns Purple Martin (Progne subis) Associated Species: Other species that may use habitat in a similar way and/or respond similarly to threats, ... on eastern plains. Habitat Requirements: Purple Martins breed primarily along the edges of late-seral, aspen-dominated woodlands, usually near water. They are obligate secondary cavity nesters, using ...
RestoringEarth - Educating People
The whole process for a particular ecosystem is ... the same as Primary succession except it occurs when the current seral stage (seral stage) is removed abruptly. This may be due to ... levels of sun and grow fast called pioneer or fugitive species will colonise the area. These will then be replaced by herbaceous ( ...