senate and assembly

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Rep. John Gard (R-Peshtigo) have agreed to hold a vote on the Impartial Justice Bill. Then the bill will be considered by the Senate and Assembly. "We think it's vital for ordinary citizens to tell legislators that they really care about breaking the link between those who write the big checks and those who write and ...

Democrats five to one, and this difference in support tended to aid Republicans in their bid to maintain majority control over both the Senate and Assembly in the Wisconsin Legislature. Though ... $7.259 billion. Fort James Corporation is based in Illinois, and investing heavily in China, Turkey and Russia. Between 1995 and 1998, Fort Howard/Fort James Stock price increased over 400% ... More from this site

Heal the Bay | Home
Senate Appropriations Committee. We need to put pressure on leadership of the Senate and Assembly to stand up to the plastics industry and pass AB 2058 this year. With ... Legislature in June. Both bills now move to their respective fiscal committees and then, if passed, to the California Senate and Assembly floors for a full vote later this summer. Over 1,200 Attend ...

Wilderness Legislation in 110th Congress | Campaign for America's Wilderness
Central Oregon's first desert Wilderness. On July 10, 2008 the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests ... to grow. Hundreds of businesses and thousands of individuals, including scientists, religious and civic leaders, have been joined by the state Senate and Assembly, and nearly 200 other elected officials ...

Wilderness Legislation in 110th Congress
Central Oregon's first desert Wilderness. On July 10, 2008 the Senate Subcommittee on Public Lands and Forests ... to grow. Hundreds of businesses and thousands of individuals, including scientists, religious and civic leaders, have been joined by the state Senate and Assembly, and nearly 200 other elected officials ... More from this site

Press Release - NYS Assembly Passes Great Lakes Compact
Assembly and the Senate for taking this important step to protect the health of the lakes and New York's economy." “We’re thrilled that the New York Legislature made the Great Lakes and ... come.” “Audubon New York commends the Senate and Assembly, especially Senator George Maziarz and Assemblyman Robert Sweeney, for passing the Great Lakes Compact, and thanks,” said Albert E. Caccese, ...

PCL - Key Environmental Bill Passes Senate Environmental Quality Committee
Planning and Conservation League hopes the momentum from today’s vote will add to the growing support for SB 1165 in order to see it through the Senate and Assembly, and eventually to the Governor’s desk for approval. This important legislation now has the support of 40 environmental and community groups. The Planning and Conservation League ...

Robert Gilman - The Village And Beyond
Not surprisingly, this is also the upper range for workable government assemblies - parliaments, the Senate and House, the UN general assembly, etc.. At the other end of the range, other anthropological evidence suggest that the optimum size for a working team is between 8 and 14 ...

National Rivers: California river news, whitewater, paddling, canoeing, kayaking, rafting, fly-fishing, California river conservation and river access.
River Citizens League ( and other concerned individuals and groups. State Senator Byron Sher (D-Palo Alto) successfully shepherded Bill 496 through the Senate and onto the governor's desk. ... and Scenic status, along with the North Yuba and Canyon Creek. Senate moves South Yuba closer to Wild and Scenic The California Assembly holds the fate of the South Yuba in its hands. The Senate ...

Speaker's Biographies - John Muir: Family and Friends Conference Web Log
Contra Costa County. She has published in the areas of community history and the history of public ... -climbing and with the disciple of mountaineering, John Muir. They collected every book, article, pamphlet and photograph about Muir they could find. The Kimes-Muir Collection is the largest assembly of ...

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