Results 1 - 10 from 13 for selfish genes in 0.297 sec.
Nurture Capital -- A New Paradigm For Business
... we have been taught, flawed either by original sin or by selfish genes (just these little robots, you know, that the selfish genes are pushing around) then we are, first of all, not responsible ...
Pragmatopia: Revisioning Human Possibilities
We must be fatally flawed by original sin, selfish genes, or some other unalterable defect. However, if we look at modern progressive movements not as ...
Reclaiming our Humanity
If we are inherently violent, bad, and selfish, we have to be strictly controlled. This is ... the sense that life is devoid of meaning or that humans are inherently violent and selfish - in which case, why bother trying to change anything! The transformation of education is foundational ...
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Ecosphere Thinking
For biological science it is a scene wherein mechanistic organisms compete for survival, driven by selfish genes. To the economist it is raw materials and resources, valueless until transformed by the "innovative ...
Biodiversity Conservation in Britain: Science Replacing
Unfortunately, there are too many genes to conserve individually, and we must aim to protect as many carriers of genes and rare genes as possible. All wildlife, ... and a new assemblage of species may invade. This latter concept, more compatible with the 'selfish gene' perspective, might predict that initiating grazing on a stable ('neglected') grassland can precipitate ...
Interview with David Brower - May 27, 2000
I just want to watch how fast they do it. That's my own selfish hope. I would like to be around watching it happen. GOOD: Would ... largest population of all, human and other, has yet to be born. Their genes are right here now in our custody. And we can do something about that. Or, years from now, when the memories of our genes are in their custody, what will they think of us? I'd ...
GM Forest Trees – The Ultimate Threat
Four traits account for 80% of the permit applications: herbicide tolerance (32%), marker genes (27%), insect resistance (12%), and lignin modification (9%). Of the tree species involved, Populus ... ecosystems. Local people’s names for industrial tree plantations are revealing. Eucalyptus is the "selfish tree", because eucalyptus plantations remove nutrients from the soil and consume so much ...
Principles of ecology -
(Levin 2002). At scales smaller than the individual organisms, the units (cells, genes) are inextricably dependent upon each other for survival. As a result, cooperation among these ... fact that essentially all the sub-units of ecological systems are behaving in a selfish "cancerous" way, populations and communities continue to thrive and ecosystem processes continue to exist. ...
Brian J Ford - 'Genes' book
The ‘selfish gene’ theory is also dismissed (p 9). To pretend that genes are selfish is like claiming that holidays were invented to give passports a break, says this book. Scientific ideas often reflect the opinions of the age; thus, the selfish gene ...
Brian J Ford's p/b edition of 'Sensitive Souls' (2000)
His approach also challenges the rigid neo-Darwinist orthodoxy of Richard Dawkins and the 'selfish gene' school . . . a convincing case for wonder and respect for fellow creatures and the plants ... 's Weekly, Internet Book Watch, Library Journal. Go to first British edition or move to GENES AND THE FIGHT FOR LIFE.
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