secretly inserted

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Success or Failure - It's Up to You!
Update: Just before the Thanksgiving recess, Senator Conrad Burns (R-MT) secretly inserted a rider in the 2005 appropriations bill that repealed major portions of the Wild-Free ...

Protect Our Woods: IEPA, SB 354, & IDNR Exemption
Indiana Classified Forest System. However, the Department of Natural Resources has secretly inserted language in this bill, which would make the Department exempt from the Indiana Environmental ... citizen of your district. It has come to my attention that the DNR has secretly inserted two provisions into SB 354 that go against public opinion, and will have damaging ...

Marine Connection
Oceanic Preservation Society (OPS), a US conservation group secretly filmed the brutal practices that Taiji had long striven to keep anyone from seeing, and ... harassed by Taiji 'whalers'. Footage was obtained via cameras encased in fake rocks and covertly inserted in the "killing cove" where they successfully recorded the horror that unfolded behind the ...