second pass

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Results 1 - 10 from 668 for second pass in 0.228 sec.

MASAR®Plus Double-Pass System for Seawater Desalination and Ultrapure Applications
Technical Publications MASAR®PlusTM The Double-Pass, Multi-Train Membrane Silent AlarmTM System Seawater, ... pass can be a brackish or seawater RO or NF system from which the product (or a portion of it) goes for further purification by a brackish RO system as a second pass. The brine or reject stream from the second pass (or a portion of it) can be recycled into the first-pass ...

Costa Rica Rainforest Outward Bound School :: CUSTOM COURSE INFO - OBI Peru
Here we might see some llamas grassing just below the pass. Arriving to the pass, we all take a well deserved break and enjoy ... here we walk on 100% genuine incatrails. We head out towards the second pass in 3900 masl. At this place, on sunny days, we have ... -carved tunnels and perfectly placed stones. We lunch at the third pass near Phuyupatamarca before we start the long descent to Wiñay Wayna ...

DayCreek Journal - September 12, 2004
Jeesh! Back to the Co-op for their second attempt at fixing the tire. Finally, their second attempt at fixing the tire seemed to work. Off I went to ... path around the tillable area. Everything was just working great. I made one pass and started a second pass when all of a sudden there was a huge CLUNK!. I looked down in ...

Mechanical Weed Control in Cereals
Sc. Contents Introduction Mechanical weeding versus herbicide Rotary hoe Finger Weeder Second-habd equipement Stale Seedbed (or False seeding technique) Night ... more effective if a second pass is made in the opposite direction of travel to the first pass. FINGER WEEDER Finger weeders have ... this requires as it will pay off. SECOND-HAND EQUIPMENT If you want to buy second hand, compare with a new one ...

Semenov: Travels in the Tien'-Shan', Part One
Altyn-emel' mountain pass, across which the caravan road to Kul'dzha leads. The second stage of that day ... pass we came down to another river, also one of the sources of the Turgen, the left bank of which was covered with spruce-trees. Then we climbed again, but this second pass ... second hour's ascent we had to make a one hour stop. It was not without reason that the Kirgiz people called this pass ...

Orange Enterprises, Inc.: Software: Tiger Jill: What's New!
Improving importing records with grids including removal of grid lines and handling grid lines in second pass where ciruclar records exist. 4. Adding to the Connectivity Preference Tab the option "Remove Grid ... Internet upgrade the first "Fast" which updates only the code and the reports and the second "Complete with Help" that updates the help file also. 3. Correction of a bug in ...

RE: Pass legislation NOW to protect Americans from chemical disasters!
Americans from chemical disasters! Letters Senator U.S. Senate Washington, D.C. 20510 RE: Pass legislation NOW to protect Americans from chemical disasters! Dear Senator , I urge you to support ... the first 30 minutes following an attack with as many as 100 people dying per second. Each year at least 1,000 spills, explosions, or fires involving hazardous chemicals cause deaths ...

ACTION ALERT: Tell Your Legislators Today to Pass Proposals that Promote Beginning Farmers & Sustainable Livestock Production
Livestock Production ACTION ALERT: Tell Your Legislators Today to Pass Proposals that Promote Beginning Farmers & Sustainable Livestock Production 5/04 ... bills that the Land Stewardship Project has been working to pass need to be amended into the House Tax Bill, ... $50,000 for improving or expanding their dairy farm. The second creates tax incentives for landowners to rent to beginning farmers ...

Mount Graham Coalition: Second Congressional Rider
Mount Graham Coalition: Second Congressional Rider Whats New? Take Action Ecology History Apache Issues Myths Refuted Gallery Home Western ... . In the end, the Mount Graham rider’s low profile may have allowed it to pass. Alderman says the administration picked five other riders to adamantly oppose. "There was never an ...

'S FORESTS Home | Donate-Join | Take Action! | Intro | First| Second |Third | Fourth|Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | Eighth| E.O.Wilson Slide Show: Second Page Disappearing Forest Species "At the present time, about 100 ... World, Yasuni National Park in Ecuador Join Dr. Edward O. Wilson in his fight to pass the Act to Save America's forests. Act Now !!! Read letter to U.S. Congress ...

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