second half

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Results 1 - 10 from 649 for second half in 0.347 sec.

International Botanical Congress Statement on Biodiversity
The paper calls for an eight-point ... species of plants, animals, and other organisms would be lost during the second half of the next century, a loss that would easily equal those of ... great-grandchildren may live in a world in which more than half of the plant species that exist now will be known only as ...

June Cotner Myrwang - Shared Parenting/Shared Providing
After the birth of our second child two years later, we decided to try and remedy ... biographies of pathfinders again and again, although sometimes not until the second half of their lives. I find this time lag a little unfortunate ... may also manage and orchestrate the couple's social engagements. The second benefit women may perceive when the father is the sole- ...

Yellowstone Fires
Like today, many of the wildland fires were caused by lightning. In the first half of the twentieth century, most park managers and visitors considered the fires to be destructive ... had a general policy of putting out all fires on national park lands. In the second half of the century, managers of national parks and forests began to understand the importance of ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
(SAR) in 1995. Temperature may increase by 1 ... of about 0.3 per cent per decade. By the second half of the 21st century, precipitation may have increased over northern ... deforestation. Currently, the ocean and the land together absorb about half of carbon dioxide emissions from human activities. As carbon dioxide ...

Eco-Economy Indicators: WATER RESOURCES - World's Water Resources Face Mounting Pressure
S WATER RESOURCES FACE MOUNTING PRESSURE Elizabeth Mygatt Global freshwater use tripled during the second half of the twentieth century as population more than doubled and as technological advances let ... , a major grain-producing region. Together, China, India, and the United States produce nearly half the world’s grain, and these three countries plus Pakistan collectively account for over ...

Pirate Utopias (Do or Die)
[IMAGE] "a dunghill wheron England doth cast forth its rubbish" The Caribbean islands in the second half of the 17th century were a melting pot of rebellious and pauperised immigrants from across ... Star had "a Negro Cook doubly arm'd" in the boarding party and more than half of Edward Condent's boarding party on the Dragon were black. Some black pirates became ...

Our Bodies, Our Lives! (Do or Die)
Health, Healing and Herbs As part of the movement for women's liberation in the second half of the 20th century, women came together to question the way a medical elite has ... More from this site

Seabirds at Sea Team Report
The second half was dominated by final consultation stages of the Falkland Islands Nation Plan of Action-Seabirds ... use of tori lines has become mandatory under licensing requirements for finfish vessels for the second season of 2004. This represents a unique opportunity to ensure the fleet wide adoption of ...

September recorded. Looking at the northern hemisphere alone, 2007 temperatures averaged 15.04 degrees Celsius (59.1 degrees Fahrenheit)—easily the hottest year in the northern half of ... conditions in the southern Pacific tend to increase the global average temperature, and yet the second half of 2007 saw the opposite develop—a La Niña, which would usually depress global ...

September recorded. Looking at the northern hemisphere alone, 2007 temperatures averaged 15.04 degrees Celsius (59.1 degrees Fahrenheit)—easily the hottest year in the northern half ... conditions in the southern Pacific tend to increase the global average temperature, and yet the second half of 2007 saw the opposite develop—a La Niña, which would usually depress global ...

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