sea urchins

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Coral Reefs
Image © 2003 Photo: The sea cucumber, Euapta godeffroyi, is very common in Kaneohe Bay in Hawaii. It uses the rocks ... animals as sea cucumbers, sea urchins, sea snails, lobsters, crab, and shrimp. The world's coral reefs provide habitat to more than one million plant and animal species. Compared to the adjacent sea bed, coral ...

Urchins of Hawai'i
Urchins of Hawai'i Marine Invertebrates of Hawai'i Class Echinoidea -- Sea Urchins Chondrocidaris gigantae - rough spined urchin Description: large, blunt, pencil-thick spined urchin; spines ... on the reef. *** WARNING: this species has venomous spines *** Echinothrix diadema - black sea urchin (Wana) Description: large urchins with long, slender, needle-like black spines; primary spines are shorter ...

EuroTurtle - Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle
Crustaceans Jellyfish Urchins Fish Illustrations (except far right): M. Demma © ICRAM Carnivorous: eating crustaceans associated with sandy and muddy seabeds form largest part of stomach content. Also molluscs, sea urchins, jellyfish and fish. Click here to go to find out more in the Biology of Sea Turtles Picture | Size and body mass | ...

Life on the Sea Floor
Sea cucumbers, starfish and sea urchins ...

Monterey Bay Aquarium: Sea Otter Research and Conservation Program - Sea Otters At Risk
Why are sea otters important? Otters have been called a keystone species. They contribute to the ecological balance of the ocean by eating sea urchins and other invertebrates that graze heavily on giant kelp. Too many of these grazing animals could destroy the kelp forest, home to many species of marine life. Sea otters ...

OTTERNET.COM Species Profiles- Sea Otter
Sea Otters are the only tool-using marine mammal! ... eating sea urchins (one of their favorites), then the sea urchin population goes down, but the kelp flourishes (because the amount of urchins eating ... the process goes on. Without otters, one species flourishes (eg sea urchins), and it kills all of another (eg kelp), which kills ...

WWF - Deep sea ecology: sea floor
With a ... sea lilies, brittle stars, sponges, anemones, and cold-water corals, which filter this detritus from the water. Detritus reaching the muddy abyssal plain is eaten by sea urchins, starfish, sea slugs ...

The Deep Sea Conservation Coalition - Multimedia
Where high resolution images are available for ... ): Vertebrates: Fish / Skates and Eels / Sharks Invertebrates: Sponges / Jellyfish, sea anemones / Corals / Sea stars, brittle stars, and sea urchins / Molluscs / Crabs and shrimp Creatures | Corals & Sponges | Bottom Trawling ...

Sea Otters
Unlike most marine mammals, sea otters lack a thick layer of fat to insulate them from cold temperatures. Instead, they ... between three and five pounds at birth. Habitat & Diet Southern sea otters are found along the central coast of California. They eat sea urchins, mollusks, squid, crabs, and clams. Their teeth are specially ...

Microscope Imaging Station. Insight from the Sea Urchin.
All this, from a humble little sea critter that resembles a scrub brush. Though urchins inhabit ocean waters all around the globe, and their eggs are eaten ... . Sea urchins may sometimes appear to be inanimate (or dead), but they can actually move rapidly across surfaces using their spines. Seashell collectors prize the bony sphere, or test, that forms the sea ...

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