Results 1 - 10 from 142 for sea ice extent in 0.271 sec.
Papers - Politics 2004
Papers - Politics 2004 Selected Climate Change Papers 2006 Wollf et al. Sea ice extent and climate in the Southern Ocean Davidson and Janssens Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon and ...
NASA Scatterometer Climate Record Pathfinder (Center for Remote Sensing - BYU)
Because the scatterometer radar signal can penetrate the surface, a scatterometer ... include sea ice extent maps and sea ice motion data sets. A number of derived products are provided. SCP images and data products are designed to support climate studies over land and ice. Products ...
2007 IUCN Red List – 2006 Photo Gallery
Red List. Recent modelling of the trends for sea ice extent, thickness and timing of coverage predicts dramatic reductions in sea ice coverage over the next 50 to 100 years due to global ... forest cover. While the S. morrisii population currently does not seem to be declining, the extent of its habitat is decreasing due to road construction and increased agricultural land use. The ...
IPCC - The Third Assessment Report - Working Group I
Snow extent has decreased by about 10% since the 1960's, while mountain glaciers have retreated rapidly and Northern Hemisphere sea ice cover has substantially declined in recent decades. Global average sea level ... common in many regions. Many alpine glaciers will disappear, snow cover and sea ice extent will continue to wither, and sea level is projected to rise by 0.09 to 0.88m. The effects ...
Eco-Economy Indicators: ICE MELTING
MORE... Key Data Related to ICE MELT: Selected Examples of Ice Melt Around the World (table and map) Average September Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Extent (figure) Average Global Temperature, 1880-2007 ... 28 January 2004) Glaciers and Sea Ice Endangered by Rising Temperatures (22 January 2004) Global Temperature Near Record for 2002 (11 December 2002) Earth's Ice Melting Faster Than Projected ( ...
Eco-Economy Indicators: Ice Melt Accelerates Around the World
Researchers were further stunned in the summer of 2007 when Arctic sea ice extent plummeted to the lowest level ever measured, more than 20 percent below the 2005 ... brought rapidly under control. ADDITIONAL DATA Selected Examples of Ice Melt Around the World (table and map) Average September Arctic Ocean Sea Ice Extent (figure) Average Global Temperature, 1880-2007 (figure and ...
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UNEP/GRID-Arendal - Polar Programme - News - Melting Ice--A Hot Topic? New UNEP Report Shows Just How Hot It's Getting
Overall the extent of sea ice in the north has decreased by 2 ... extent, for example, in the Ross Sea of 4.8 per cent per decade but a decrease in, for example, the Bellingshausen Sea of 5.3 per cent per decade. Sea ice extent in both polar regions is expected to decline by a quarter by 2100 with the Arctic largely ice ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: What's Happening to Arctic Ice?
C over the last half of the 20th century. The extent of Arctic sea ice, as observed primarily by passive microwave radiometers on satellites, has decreased at a ... Canadian Arctic, indicating areas where sea-ice studies have taken place. As an adjunct to these studies, Canadian Ice Service scientists examined weekly ice charts for the northern Labrador Sea area. While global climate ...
Arctic Thaw
The year 2002 had less sea ice than any previous year since detailed observations began 50 years earlier. "It is likely that sea ice extent will continue to decline over the 21st century as the climate warms," says Mark Serreze, of the National Snow and Ice Data Center in Boulder, Colorado ...
Sea Level, Ice, and Greenhouses -- FAQ
Sea ice cannot change sea level much. That it can do so at all is because sea ice is not made of quite the same material as the ocean. Sea ice is much fresher than sea ... ice and ocean, and corresponds to about 2% of the thickness of the original ice floe. For 30 million square kilometers of ice (global maximum extent) and average thickness of 2 meters (the Arctic ice ...
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