scrubbing liquid

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Results 1 - 10 from 24 for scrubbing liquid in 0.404 sec.

Odour Control Technologies - Offensive Odour Removal Measures
Liquid scrubbing Liquid scrubbing of gases for the removal of odours can involve either adsorption in a suitable solvent or chemical treatment with a suitable reagent. Liquid scrubbing ... Liquid scrubbeing of gases involves bringing the odorous gas stream into intiate contact with the scrubbing liquid. Liquid scrubber needs to be well designed to ensure adequate contact between the gas and liquid ...

The principal is simple and well known. By using an injector to entrain the gas in a recirculating liquid ... and mixing. The system is used for scrubbing almost any gas using almost any liquid as the motive force. The system is ... to know: Gas flow to treat Motive liquid Material to be removed by the liquid chemical addition requirements filtration and the next ...

Indusco Environmental Services, Inc.
The gas stream is directed through the scrubbing liquid, then through the throat ( a smaller ... liquidscrubbing” solution. Typically the airstream enters the scrubber near the bottom and progresses up, counter-currently, through a “packed bed” and is then discharged through the top of the scrubber. Scrubbing liquid ...

Indusco Environmental Services, Inc.
Design Start-Up Pumps To provide the optimum scrubbing environment for contaminant removal Sodium Hydroxide and Sodium Hypochlorite are typically added to the scrubbing liquid. The chemicals are metered into the scrubbers by ... More from this site

Gas Wet Scrubbers for stack smoke fume and NOx
F. Horizontal Crossflow Scrubber Intense contact between the contaminant and scrubbing liquid captures virtually all inorganic compounds like HCl, HNO3, HF, H2SO4, Cl2, H2S, NH3, and others ...

Wet Scrubber for hot corrosive flue gases from incinerators, calcinators, kilns, and ovens
Q-Scrub is a reliable solution for scrubbing inorganic flue gases, HCl, Cl2 , SO2, HF and many other compounds. Performance Standard system 500 ... ® media. A Tri-Pacs’ spherical design provides maximum surface contact between the gas and the scrubbing liquid by creating a continuous formation of droplets throughout the bed. Tri-Packs eliminate clogging because ... More from this site

Wet Gas Scrubbers for smoke fume NOx and chrome
F. Horizontal Crossflow Scrubber Intense contact between the contaminant and scrubbing liquid captures virtually all inorganic compounds like HCl, HNO3, HF, H2SO4, Cl2, H2S, NH3, and others ...

Scrubber for hot corrosive flue gases from incinerators, calcinators, kilns, and ovens
Q-Scrub is a reliable solution for scrubbing inorganic flue gases, HCl, Cl2 , SO2, HF and many other compounds. Performance Standard system 500 ... ® media. A Tri-Pacs’ spherical design provides maximum surface contact between the gas and the scrubbing liquid by creating a continuous formation of droplets throughout the bed. Tri-Packs eliminate clogging because ... More from this site

Lesni A/S Air Purification Engineering - Homepage
Solutions for special halogenated, VOC abatement and odour control including: Chemcial gas scrubbing. Adsorption on activated carbon and recovery of solvents. Thermal and catalytic oxidisers. ... recovery. Also range of two and three bed chamber regenerative thermal oxidisers and liquid waste incinerators. Solutions Thermal and Catalytic Oxidisers LESNI has extensive experience of design ...

Wet Gas Scrubbers for petrochemical industry; features & benefits - Hamon Research-Cottrell
COD (Chemical Oxygen Demand). The design philosophy, of ... , and operational standards. These features are inherent within the WGS system. Thus, unlike other scrubbing systems, the overall performance guarantee is provided by ExxonMobil, a company well-known for ...

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