Results 1 - 10 from 533 for scientists worldwide in 0.615 sec.
US Coral Reefs - Imperiled National Treasures
Regional increases in sea-surface temperatures occur during El Niño events, and ocean temperatures worldwide may be changing as a result of global warming. The susceptibility of corals to ... can directly degrade large areas of reef. What is being done to protect coral reefs? Scientists worldwide are working to understand the impacts of natural processes and human activities on the ...
Global Forest Science - Research Focus
Research Education Newsroom How to Help Research Focus Today, Global Forest supports more than 115 scientists from 29 universities in 7 countries- they are among the leading experts in their ... that impact forest conservation. We believe in sound sustainable forest management. Our more than 115 scientists worldwide are among the leading experts in their fields. Global Forest is devoted to the pursuit ...
U.S. Today about 2.5 million tons of pesticides are used worldwide. In addition, for more than 40 years, ranchers and growers have been feeding low levels ... for about one third to one half of all antibiotics sold in the U.S. Scientists worldwide have decried the use of antibiotics to promote animal growth because it increases the prevalence ...
Science and the Environment Bulletin: Mercury Rising
Scientists from Canada, the United States and Norway are working to discover the geographic extent ... --which likely oxidizes the mercury vapours and converts them into particles. A number of scientists worldwide are currently working to better understand the chemistry involved in this fascinating natural phenomenon. ...
Newsroom - Scientists Urge Strengthening of Marine Conservation
Biology Institute is now circulating the statement for signatures to marine scientists and conservation biologists (senior scientists and scientists-in-training as well); upon gaining enough signatures, the statement ... more widespread harm to marine species and ecosystems, we urge citizens and governments worldwide to take the following five steps: 1. Identify and provide effective protection to ...
Earth First! Worldwide
Earth First! Worldwide Worldwide About Earth First! Are you tired of namby-pamby environmental groups? Are you ... bureaucrats and industry? Have you become disempowered by the reductionist approach of environmental professionals and scientists? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then Earth First! is for you ...
EcoFuture (TM) Population and Sustainability - Scientists Say Future is in the Balance
(TM) Population and Sustainability - Scientists Say Future is in the Balance Updated: 1 October, 1999 Scientists Say Future is in the Balance Information o Reports o Reference o Books In ... countries in helping them to manage their resources effectively and to participate fully in worldwide initiatives for common benefit. Capabilities in science and technology must be strengthened in LDCs ...
National Geographic Speakers Bureau: Scientists
A scientist, scholar, author, and passionate defender of all life's diversity, Davis lectures worldwide on the importance of cultural diversity and ethnicity. Sylvia Earle Marine Biologist This world ... Ultimate Explorer TV series. Nalini Nadkarni Forest Ecologist Thanks to her Big Canopy Database, scientists are finally able to manage and share rain forest data across multiple disciplines—critical ...
600 Scientists Support the Act to Save America's Forests
Congress urging passage of the Act to Save America's Forests. Many of these scientists, including Dr. ... MA ... and over 600 other leading biologists, ecologists, foresters, and scientists from other forest specialties. E.O. Wilson Lecture and ... World's Forests are part of Save America's Forests worldwide campaign to protect and restore forests around the world ...
Scientists target 'super cassava' - SciDev.Net
Indonesia Flickr/Tierecke Cassava, the primary source of nutrition for 800 million people worldwide, is receiving attention from a project seeking to boost its nutritional value. The BioCassava ... the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, involves researchers from Colombia, Kenya, Nigeria and Tanzania. The scientists have been seeking to fortify a single 500 gram adult portion of cassava with ...
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