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De Wildt Cheetah and Wildlife Trust, North West Province, South Africa
The Wild Dog (Lycaon pictus) Very rarely seen in its natural habitat today, the wild dog is one of ... endangered mammal species. The animal was once also known as the 'Cape hunting dog', its scientific name, Lycaon pictus, means 'ornamental or painted wolf'. If an endangered species is not cared for expertly, it ...
GCC: Tony Fitzjohn/George Adamson African Wildlife Preservation Trust -- USA Today Article, Part 3
Newsletter The African hunting dog Tues., March 9, 1999 FINAL EDITION Section: LIFE Page 4D * Scientific name: Lycaon pictus * Numbers: About 3,000 in all of sub-Saharan Africa; in the hundreds in east ...
Predator Conservation Trust: African Wild Dog information
Cape Hunting Dog also known as African Painted Dog also known as African Wolves Scientific name: Lycaon Pictus Afrikaans name: Wildehond Swahili name: Mbwa mwitu DESCRIPTION Wild Dogs are in a genus of their own and ...