scientific literacy

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Results 1 - 10 from 110 for scientific literacy in 0.216 sec.

HSWRI - Promoting Scientific Literacy
Scientific Literacy HSWRI is dedicated to promoting scientific literacy as a strategy to enhance the nation's understanding of scientific research and its contribution to economic development and community quality of ... with scientists and the public. Furthermore, the Institute is dedicated to promoting scientific interest and understanding among teachers and students to ensure that the next ...

Scientific Literacy, ProQuest Discovery Guides
Scientific Literacy (Released September 2007) by Carolyn Scearce Review Key Citations Visual Resources News & Scholars Editor Introduction Printable Version (PDF) Tell a Friend Contents Introduction What is Scientific Literacy ... are a sampling of those used in surveys designed to assess scientific literacy. Countries participating in these surveys include: the United States, 25 European Union ...

K-12 students · encourage students from under-represented groups to choose and succeed in scientific careers Inform academia, industry, public and governmental sectors ...

IISG - Press Releases
Great Lakes and ocean research and education with the goal of enhancing scientific literacy and environmental stewardship. "Public understanding of Great Lakes and ocean sciences is essential to ensure ...

Koshland Science Museum - Staff - Patrice Legro
Understanding of Science after managing the National Science Education Standards Project. Patrice’s interest in scientific literacy emerged from a decade of work in the international arena. With an educational background in ...

In-class demonstrations by EXPERT students designed to excite and inspire K-12 students, improve scientific literacy and communication, and convey the urgency of sustainability. 5. Research capability – Research at NC A ...

The HEARD Natural Science Museum & Wildlife Sanctuary, Mckinney Texas, Mckinney Texas - Volunteer Opportunities
Promoting ecological stewardship Increasing scientific literacy Service as a resource to our community Heard Institute Descriptions (pdf) Heard Institute Schedule (pdf ...

HSWRI - Mission & Values
Institute growth, communicate with scientific peers and the public, and advance scientific literacy. -Excellence in Original and Independent Scientific Research -Public Service -Scientific ...

Center for Science & Engineering Education
Lab staff CSEE's Goals: To promote equal access to scientific and technical careers for all students, including women, minorities, the handicapped, and the ... to provide continuity of opportunity from elementary school through graduate school. To promote scientific literacy, including an understanding of relationships among frontier science, technology, and society. CSEE's ...

Lobster Literacy
Lobster Literacy Program. The overall goal of the program is to increase students' environmental literacy, particularly with regard to lobsters and the marine ... ," gave students at the Friendship Village School great opportunities to develop their observational and scientific skills (photo by Carla Eustler). They also led a field trip to the intertidal ...

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