scientific evidence

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Our Stolen Future: New scientific findings about endocrine disruption
Important Events Other Sources Other Languages About the Authors New insights from scientific research New scientific findings on endocrine disruption are emerging rapidly. Follow these links to important ... mixtures have strong effects at very low levels WHO releases final report: available scientific evidence justifies concerns about EDCs Long Island: no apparent link between breast cancer risk ...

Press Release: Global Warming - Scientific Assessment Confirms Arctic in Crisis from Global Warming, World Wildlife Fund, November 8, 2004
Emissions Overdue says World Wildlife Fund World Wildlife Fund, November 8, 2004 WASHINGTON - The scientific findings announced today by the Arctic Climate Impacts Assessment depict an Arctic already in ... cultures, and Arctic wildlife like polar bears. "As the Arctic Climate Impacts Assessment attests, the scientific evidence shows that the Arctic is in crisis due to global warming," said Dr. Lara ...

(4/18/97) FBI Faked Evidence, Says Justice Dept
Williams "repeatedly reached conclusions that incriminated the defendants without a scientific basis and that were not explained," the Justice Department report said. The lab also ... scientific evidence will be a large component. The major task facing the prosecution now is to keep the Justice Department's 500-page report on the FBI lab from being entered into evidence ...

Absence of scientific rigour in environmentalist ideology
Part I of III (Broadcast by Channel 4 in the UK, 1997) The Lack Of Scientific Rigour In Environmentalist Ideology The first programme in the series presents arguments that global warming ... 't even affect climate. Although many environmentalists have been forced to accept much of the scientific evidence against global warming, they still argue that it is better to be safe than sorry ...

United Nations' experts doctor evidence
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) made headlines with its claim that "the balance of evidence suggests a discernible human influence on global climate." Now there is evidence ... into believing that the scientific evidence shows human activities are causing global warming." Seitz's remarks set off tremors throughout the scientific community. Several articles ... More from this site

Population Council | HIV/AIDS | Caucus for Evidence-Based Prevention
Conference, HIV prevention will once again take center stage. The Caucus for Evidence-Based Prevention—composed of more than 50 nongovernmental organizations and their ... evidence. Please join the Population Council and countless other Caucus member organizations in promoting scientific evidence as a critical element of HIV prevention worldwide. For more information about the Caucus for Evidence ...

Climate Ark: Information/Evidence Links
Reviewed, Authoritative Content Climate Change Search Internet News Links Site Home > Information > Evidence Climate Ark: Evidence Links (XML/RSS) Links Canary Project editor's pick http://www.canary-project ... | Rate It Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis most comprehensive and up-to-date scientific assessment of past, present and future ...

Genetic Engineering - Scientific Papers
Science in Society or the Inst. of Science in Society. Genetic Engineering - Scientific Papers Reply to "Use of genetically modified microbes for human health" Gregor Reid et al ... A recent study of transgenic rice carried out at the John Innes Institute supports previous evidence that there is a recombination hotspot in the CaMV 35S promoter. Angela Ryan Recent Publications ...

Scientific integrity
IFAW director as its CEO. The IMMA's principal function is to provide scientific "evidence" in support of IFAW positions, authoritative quotes for IFAW press releases, and interviews with the ... have been focused on government scientists. If its intention is to pervert the course of scientific research as conducted by public servants, the Russian government should be extremely concerned. Back ...

Scientific advice on Natural Resource Management
Natural resource management requires integration and interpretation of scientific theory and knowledge across specific scientific disciplines that have often operated in relative isolation from one another. ... or is hard to obtain from its custodians. Similarly, there was not clear evidence that all catchment management agencies have the capacity or commitment to ensure that ...

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