Results 1 - 10 from 12 for saki monkey in 0.295 sec.
Mammals of RCTT
Red Uakari Monkey Callicebus moloch Dusky Titi Monkey Cebuella pygmaea Pygmy Marmoset Choloepus didactylus Southern two-toed sloth Isothrix bistriata Yellow-crowned Brush Rat Myrmecophaga tridactyla Giant Anteater Pithecia monachus Monk Saki Monkey Panthera ...
In The Trees - Mammals
The tiny primates measure just 14 to 16 centimeters in length and the males weigh about five ounces and the females... Pygmy Marmoset » Saki Monkey The Saki Monkey is one species of the New World monkeys, which is a part of the genus Pithecia. This species is thought to be very closely related to the bearded Saki ...
Primate Factsheets: Monkeys, Apes and Humans-Anth 1500
Monkey Squirrel Monkey Saddle-back Tamarin Lion Tamarin Owl Monkey Marmosets Titi monkeys Saki monkeys Uakaris Old World Monkeys Japanese Macaque Rhesus Macaque Gelada Hamadryas Baboon Hanuman Langur Red Colobus Monkey Black Colobus Monkey Patas Monkey ...
Hagfish - Sea Dweller - The Hagfish
Marmoset is one of the smallest known primates and is the smallest monkey. The tiny primates... Saki Monkey The Saki Monkey is one species of the New World monkeys, which is a part ...
Monk sake monkey
Monk sake monkey English Name: Monk sake monkey Local Name: huapo negro, oso mono, yana huapo Scientific Name: Pithecia monachus Class: Mammalia Order: ...
Reduced-impact logging and spider monkey conservation: The co-dependence of black spider monkeys (Ateles chamek) and timber trees ... , South America (Annika Felton, 2003) Ecology and social organization of the endangered black saki (Chiropotes satanas): Potential for its long-term survival in the context of habitat ...
E Ecuador/Peru New World Monkeys Lagothrix lagotricha Woolly monkey V S America New World Monkeys Pithecia albicans Buffy saki Brazil New World Monkeys Pithecia hirsuta Black-bearded saki S America New World Monkeys Pithecia monachus Monk saki ...
Cuiabá Zoo
(Myrmecophaga tridactyla), 1.0 black howler monkey (Alouatta caraya), 0.1 white-faced saki (Pithecia p. pithecia), 2.0 silvery marmosets (Callithrix argentata melanura), 0.3 ...
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Lubee Bat Conservancy :: Publications
E. Fox, et al. (1996). "Antemortem diagnosis of myelolipoma-associated hepatomegaly in a Goeldi's monkey ( Callimico goeldii )." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 27 (2): 266-270. Published Journal ... D. J., L. Neuwirth, et al. (1997). "Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare infection in a white-faced saki ( Pithecia pithecia )." Journal of Zoo and Wildlife Medicine 28 (2): 185-188. Published Journal ...
Monkey Maddness - Taxonomy List
Cercopithecus diana Sahui de collar Callicebus torquatus Saki, bearded Chiropotes satanas Saki, black bearded Chiropotes satanas Saki, monk Pithecia monachus Saki, red-nosed Chiropotes albinasus Saki, shaggy Pithecia hirsuta Saki, white-faced Pithecia pithecia Saki ...