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Sacred Interconnections
Sacred Interconnections Sacred Interconnections Section Overview Research into nature-based experiences show that nature has the power to move ... it is these elements of the human-nature relationship that are explored in this section Sacred Interconnections. They examine the role nature plays in the lives of people who care for the ...
constructing peace
The white crane is the sacred bird of Japan. Legend tells that it lives for a thousand years ... this project, particularly the creative extensions it fosters in children and their teachers, and the interconnections made between groups of people. Besides sending colourful banners to accompany their cranes, groups have ...
Catherine Burton - Governance In The Planetary Age
Newton's well- behaved clock. Communication and expanded transportation technologies turned us into a ... inhabitants, and particularly those rooted in the those that knew the earth as sacred and its well-being as imperative." (p. 10. Bioregionalism: Mother of All, Schumacher lectures, ...