rwandan government

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Gorilla 100 - History of the Mountain Gorilla
The Mountain Gorilla Project is approved following a convention between the Rwandan government and a consortium formed by several private organizations interested in nature conservation (AWF, WWF, ... fighting in Rwanda. 1999 Reopening of the Volcanos National Park was announced by the Rwandan Office of Tourism and National parks. 2000 Dr. Theogene Rudasingwa, the Director of the ...

the story of the virungas
In an effort to increase national income, the Rwandan government turned an additional 98 km2 (38 mi2) of park land over to a European ... , such as Bosnia. In addition, the Congolese government, recently embroiled in a political takeover, is continuing military attacks with Rwandan Tutsi on both Rwandan and Congolese Hutu living in Congo. There ...

What's New - Global Policy Forum
By transferring military and intelligence functions to private organizations, these administrations hollowed out government oversight. For example ... Tutsis. The Tribunal has also neglected to pursue French officials whom the Rwandan government claims were directly involved in the genocide. This Reuters article questions ...

Rwanda’s Gishwati Forest selected as site for historic conservation project
Des Moines, Iowa, USA – January 14, 2008 – The Rwandan government, Great Ape Trust of Iowa and Earthpark have announced that the Gishwati Forest Reserve ... , using state-of-the-art educational tools and online communication with schools, communities and government worldwide. Earthpark will include four acres of tropical rainforest, a 600,000-gallon aquarium ...

Great Ape Trust audio/video, Great Ape Trust, Des Moines, Iowa
Play Video Conservation Park and Chimpanzee Study Site Planned in Rwanda The Rwandan government, Great Ape Trust of Iowa and Earthpark have announced that the Gishwati Forest Reserve is ... More from this site

A conservation triumph: The Mountain Gorillas of Rwanda
The Rwandese Patriotic Army (RPA) and the former Rwandan government forces were fighting in the Virunga Volcano Region( ... source of contamination and disease to the gorillas. In1999, in BINP (Uganda), the same Rwandan militia killed 8 tourists. Fifteen gorillas were killed in the Great Lakes Conflict. Eugene ...

A conservation triumph : the mountain gorillas of Rwanda
Habyarimana was denying the Rwandan diaspora the right to ... message to the refugees that the former Rwandan government had chosen animals instead of its people. ... government to conserve the protected areas, showing them the risks of losing the parks. In our informal campaign, we targeted the government officials and soldiers on the field. For the government ... More from this site

Rwanda Genocide Court Poses Questions on Justice - International Justice - Global Policy Forum
Rwandan government allegations that top French officials, none of whom has been pursued by the tribunal, were directly involved in the bloodshed. The Rwandan accusations followed war crimes ... also been accused of bias for only prosecuting members of the Hutu-dominated army and government overthrown by Kagame's mainly Tutsi rebels in 1994, when their assault ended the ...

ecotourism blog
Nyungwe National Park. The initiative, called the Rwandan National conservation Park, is backed by the Rwandan government, the Great Ape Trust of Iowa, and Earthpark, a group seeking ... the local economy helps give economic value to forest preservation. The locals, along with the government, can see the importance of keeping the forest intact. Most tourists are willing to ...

people, culture, & environment
Hutu is the primary reason for the unrest and violence that began before Rwandan independence from Belgium in 1962. Before independence, the ruling colonial powers, first Germany and then ... Tutsi ruling caste. With independence and majority rule, the Hutu revolted, took control of the government, and violently drove the Tutsi from the country. Civil war has been bloody and ongoing ...

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