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ForestHarvest - non-timber forest products overseas
Rubber, for example, is still collected from wild forest trees by seringueiros (rubber tappers) in some parts of the Brazilian Amazon. These people are dependent on the continuing survival of the rubber trees ...
Goldman Awards Given To Risk-Takers On Six Continents
Born in the heart of the Amazon, she spent her childhood making rubber, hunting and fishing to help her large family survive. Although poor and illiterate, she ... state of Acre and joined Chico Mendes in the "empates" - peaceful demonstrations by forest-dwelling rubber tappers against deforestation and the expulsion of forest communities from their traditional land holdings. The ...
Landmark events in protecting the global environment 1945-present
[Fast-forward: See 1999] 1988 Chico Mendes: The charismatic founder of the Brazilian rubber tappers’ union is murdered in December. Mendes had led a non-violent campaign to stop the ...
Further Reading
Brazil's struggle, Mendes founded Brazil's union of rubber tappers, and won international acclaim for his role in the non-violent campaign to protect the ... of the forest lies with the people who inhabit it: Indians, loggers, ranchers, river people, rubber tappers and miners. "Voices from the Amazon" by Binka Le Breton gives the forest dwellers a ...
Binka Le Breton
Amazon forest as seen through the eyes of the forest people themselves; the Indians, the rubber tappers, the loggers, the ranchers, the miners, and the river people. Read this book and learn ...
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EHT: 1980-1990
Brazilian rubber tappers union organizer Wilson Pinheiro assassinated. Eight years later colleague Chico Mendez meets the same fate. Both dared to defy loggers and cattle ranchers on behalf of rubber tappers, ... and Chuck Sutton. 1988 -- Dec. 22 -- Assassination of Chico Mendez, leader of Brazil's rubber tappers (Taperos) movement to save the rain forest. 1989 1989 -- Jan 4 -- US Department ...
What Are Rainforests
Crops originating in the rainforests include rice, quinine, rubber, coffee, bananas, eggplants, lemons, oranges, tea, cacao, cashews, cassava, tapioca, peanuts, pineapples, guavas, ... in tropical forests. They rely almost exclusively on the forests for their survival needs. Rubber tappers are not indigenous to the forests of the Amazon but have learnt to live ...
Conference Speakers
Amazon rubber tappers’ movement in the western Amazon starting in 1985, conducting research on the rubber tappers' alternative conservation and development proposal, the “extractive reserves” (protected areas inhabited and managed by traditional populations such as rubber tappers and ...
2004 Funded Grant Projects - Lindbergh Foundation
Gomes University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida "Evaluating Sustainable Land Use Strategies to Economically Sustain Brazilian Rubber Tappers who are Turning to Cattle Ranching and Cash Crop Agriculture in Amazon Rain Forest Reserves ...
WWF - Transboundary work in the Amazon
Brazil nut gatherers and rubber-tappers. However, in spite of their relative isolation, the SWA forests are threatened by the opening ...