rspb scotland

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RSPB Scotland Biodiversity, Convenor - Deborah Long, Plantlife Scotland Climate, Convenor - Clifton Bain, RSPB Scotland Deer, Convenor - Duncan Orr-Ewing, RSPB Scotland Freshwater, Convenor - Andrea Johnstonova, RSPB Scotland ...

LINK Member Organisations
Web: more details... RSPB Scotland 25 Ravelston Terrace, Edinburgh, EH4 3TP Tel 0131 311 6500 fax 0131 331 6569 Email: Web: more ... More from this site

RENEWABLES TARGETS WELCOMED - Friends of the Earth Scotland
See: [2] The 'The Power of Scotland' - a joint report by RSPB Scotland, WWF Scotland and FoE Scotland - sets out how Scotland could tackle climate change without the need for nuclear power. Read the report: ...

Helen McLachlan, WWF Scotland's Marine Policy Officer, said: 'If Scotland's marine environment is to remain healthy for the communities and ... is passed in both Westminster and Scotland, with appropriate devolved legislation in Wales and Northern Ireland.' Lloyd Austin, Head of Conservation Policy with RSPB Scotland said: 'The most recent reports from ...

Restoration Round-up (Do or Die)
Management of Deer for the Regeneration of Caledonian Pine Forest at the RSPB's Abernethy Reserve", Beaumont et al, RSPB Conservation Review 8, 1994, p.31. "Glen Affric Caledonian Forest ... Group, undated. Jenny Taylor, quoted in The Millennium Forest for Scotland Trust Annual Review 1997, p.13. "Millennium Forest for Scotland Project Plan: Orkney Islands Native Tree Restoration - Stage Three", ...

News from the Falklands January 2001
Environment Fund for Overseas Territories. 'Localising' Environmental Education Dr Alistair Lavery, Head of Education (RSPB, Scotland) arrived on 30th Jaunary for a three week visit to look into the possibilities for ..., Scotland Info - Expand, preserve and protect Scottish Nature Reserves!
Already registered? The Project: Expand Nature Reserves in Scotland The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB), operates over 140 nature reserves and is Europe's ... RSPB Forsinard Reserve in Sutherland, Scotland will illustrate the practical benefits which can be achieved for wildlife where trees are removed from peatland. For more information: - - RSPB web site - RSPB ...

Environmental History Resources - Essays - Community forests Scotland
Not long after the NCC report the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB) started a public campaign against forestry in the Flow Country (Mackay 1995). Fig. 1 - ... 1995, three Scottish non-governmental organisations (NGOs), The Highland and Islands Forum, Reforesting Scotland and the Rural Forum Scotland initiated the Scottish Rural Development Forestry Program (SRDFP). The main aim of ...

Naturenet: The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
RSPB is a charity dedicated to "developing a public interest in wild birds and their place in nature". It owns more than 120 reserves throughout the UK, including Scotland, and has many members (now, apparently, more than a million!) who can be seen peering from hides throughout the length and breadth of the land. Many RSPB ...

latest news
May 2007 Cool Seas Scotland Anne Saunders, formerly Assistant Warden at RSPB Loch of Strathbeg and Troup Head reserves, started in the MCS Scotland Office as Scottish Projects Officer. Her role will be to run the Cool Seas Scotland outreach ...

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