roving diver method

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Reef Environmental Education Foundation's (REEF) Fish Survey Project
Atlantic. SURVEY METHOD Data for The Project are collected using the Roving Diver Method. The objectives of this survey technique are to gain large quantities ... or writing REEF at P.O. Box 246 Key Largo, FL 33037. The Roving Diver Method is a component of the Atlantic and Gulf Reef Assessment (AGRA) Rapid Assessment Protocol ( ...

REEF's Invertebrate and Algae Monitoring Program | Reef Environmental Education Foundation (REEF)
Roving Diver Technique (RDT) survey method used in REEF fish surveys.  The RDT is a visual survey method specifically designed for volunteer data. The ... using your REEF member ID number. How do I interpret the data and the reports? Roving diver survey data generate a species list along with sighting frequency and abundance estimates for each ...