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May 2, 2000 Falling Water Tables In China May Soon Raise Food Prices Everywhere
China than are Iowa and Kansas together to the United States. Half of the province’s irrigation water used to come from the Yellow River, but this supply is now shrinking. The other half comes from an aquifer that is falling by 1.5 meters ... no longer reach Shandong Province at all, depriving the province of roughly half of its irrigation water. The resulting prospect of massive grain imports ...

Wild Orchids of Florida: Florida Environment Radio
Florida in today's Florida Environment The wild orchids found in Florida represent nearly half the species found in North America. That's according to Paul Martin Brown, author of ... Paul Martin Brown says wild orchids are thriving in Florida, he's talking about the roughly half of wild orchid species in North America that are found here. And he says his ...

New Forest LIFE projects home page (Hosted by New Forest National Park Authority)
UK. more details>> Presently the National Park covers 57,086 hectares, roughly half of which comprises the New Forest candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC). The New Forest ...

Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle | Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) | US EPA
By 2006, about 8,660 curbside collection programs served roughly half of the American population. Curbside programs, along with drop-off and buy-back centers, resulted ...

Consequences (vol. 1, No.2) - Global and U.S. National Population Trends
TFR will remain roughly stable and that net immigration will also remain at ... the Bureau's basic assumption is that fertility will remain roughly constant at today's approximately replacement level. Conclusions and ... year, including refugees. It is often not fully appreciated that roughly half of present immigration into the U.S. is made up ...

Consequences (vol. 1, No. 1)
S.A. By William B. Meyer In 1850, old growth trees still grew on nearly half of America; forest cover of all kinds reached a low point in about 1920, rising ... % today. Cropland now covers some 22% of the U.S., and urban development about 4%. Roughly half of our original wetl ands have disappeared. Changes in how the land is used are ... More from this site

Sable Island and Global warming
CO2 Although the other half is absorbed by the oceans and by the terrestrial biosphere, the ... is a trace component in all soils. There are no ocean sources. Radon has a half-life of 3.5 days and serves as a tracer in identifying air masses that ...

An update on what's happening in King County government- King County
Aug. 18 and will require the complete closure of a half-mile of the trail between Cedar Grove Road and Jones Road. Aug. ... idea is being borne out by a new benchmarks report that shows roughly half of the nearly 300,000 new jobs and 225,000 new housing ... are reminded that real estate and personal property taxes for the first half of 2008 must be paid or postmarked by April 30, 2008. April ...

New Forest LIFE projects home page
UK. more details>> Presently the National Park covers 57,086 hectares, roughly half of which comprises the New Forest candidate Special Area of Conservation (cSAC). The New Forest ...

ESB: Wood-Polymer Lumber
PGE staff and consultants, the project also made major strides on the environmental side. Roughly half of the existing buildings were retained, despite the need to reinforce aging brick walls to ...

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