Results 1 - 10 from 80 for riparian woodlands in 0.238 sec.
ASM | Mammals of Illinois
Favors mature deciduous and pine-oak woodlands, but also occurs at forest edges and in riparian woodlands. Eastern Chipmunk Tamias striatus common statewide, except for extreme ... 226, 227 (as M. keenii, from MO & KY) 634 Forested ridges appear favored over riparian woodlands. Hibernacula include caves and mines. Indiana Myotis Myotis sodalis endangered northern and eastern ...
ASM | Mammals of Washington
Mtns. X,P: 1001, 108 440 3 Cascade ground squirrel Spermophilus saturatus meadows and open woodlands in Cascades 322 3 Western gray squirrel Sciurus griseus western WA X:1104, 1255 ... vole Mircrotus townsendii open grasslands west of Cascades, western WA 325 marshes, wet meadows and riparian woodlands Gray-tailed vole Microtus canicaudus meadow and pastures, Clark cty Long-tailed vole Microtus ...
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NMPIF Wetlands 3
Alpine riparian vegetation is not included in the following discussion. These riparian woodlands generally occur from 7500 feet to treeline and are ... regimes on low- or ground-nesting riparian birds. Additional species for which monitoring is recommended: Violet-green Swallow Table 2. High Elevation Riparian Woodlands Priority Species: Habitat Factors ...
NMPIF Shrublands 1
Prescribed burns in this particular canyon will not result in a net benefit. Riparian woodlands are not well-adapted to fire. Any fire in this area will likely also burn ... -4 pair), the San Andres Mtns. and at Carlsbad Caverns National Park maintain dense arroyo riparian vegetation, especially in areas closely surrounded by canyon walls or hillsides maintain tall, dense grasses ...
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NatureServe: Ecology Data
Subalpine-Montane Fen Assessment (PDF) Rocky Mountain Subalpine-Montane Riparian Shrubland Assessment (PDF) Rocky Mountain Subalpine-Montane Riparian Woodlands Assessment (PDF) Rock Mountain Lower-Montane Riparian Woodland and Shrubland Assessment (PDF) Southeast North Atlantic ...
Coastal America - Southwest Region
School Dune Restoration, CA Pier One Marine Learning Center, CA Prospect Island Restoration Project, CA Riparian Woodlands Restoration, Vandenberg AFB, CA San Diego Bay Natural Resources Monitoring and Management, CA Sonoma Baylands ...
Riparian Area Loss and Degradation on the Colorado Plateau
Its establishment introduces a regime of episodic fire, which researchers believe is uncommon in most native riparian woodlands. Road building, logging, construction and other development has caused additional degradation of riparian areas, especially through bank erosion. ...
Plant Communities of Mount Diablo State Park - Riparian Woodland
Because riparian woodlands have a guaranteed water supply, their component trees are very different from ... year. Consequently, the derivation of riparian woodlands is entirely different from that of the rest of our flora. The closest relatives to riparian species come from summer-wet climates ...
Riparian Birds of Ohio's Scenic Rivers
Forested riparian corridors, even relatively narrow ones of a few hundred feet, support a rich diversity of breeding birds in Ohio. The quality and extent of these riparian woodlands will dictate the species which can be found. Many species nesting along the riparian corridor such as the ...
Riparian Areas on the Colorado Plateau
Besides forested riparian communities, there were riparian shrublands, marshlands, ... riparian ecosystems. Along many rivers and creeks on the Colorado Plateau at middle elevations, from about 5000 feet to nearly 8,000 feet, several broadleaf trees commonly form riparian gallery forests or woodlands ...
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