rhino population

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Evaluation :: Conservation Education :: IZE
Save the Rhinos is focused on three critically endangered species of rhino - the black rhino, greater one-horned rhino, and Sumatran rhino. The fundraising goal is US$850,000 (€744,830 ... in funds already pledged to the International Rhino Foundation program. These funds will reinforce already established protective measures and focus on expanding the rhino population. The campaign will target the ...

Welcome to Fossil Rim Wildlife Center :: Glen Rose, Texas
Fossil Rim. The father, Kusamona, came to Fossil Rim in 2001 from Australia, increasing the genetic variability within the black rhino population in the ... to gather in groups, black rhinos are solitary, territorial browsers. The International Rhino Foundation estimates the current worldwide population of black rhinos at 2,400. Its numbers have been reduced by ...

Human-induced disturbance on Desert-dwelling Black Rhino(Diceros bicornis bicornis) in the Kunene region of Namibia
Rhino Trust The Kunene region of northwestern Namibia is home to the largest remaining free-ranging population of black rhino, Diceros bicornis bicornis, in the world. Namibian black rhino ... rhino conservation. This approach has proven successful, as rhino population numbers have more than doubled since conservation efforts began and there are now 142 individuals (Hearn 2003). SRT integrates rhino ...

Increase in Rhino poaching
Rhino poaching Surrender rids Manas of poachers 25 February, 2008 HOME Surrender rids ... where it is known as the Royal Manas National Park. Almost the entire rhino population of Manas was wiped out when poachers and militants overran parts of ... the development was that the surrendered poachers had promised to join the rhino conservation programme. "This is probably the best news for Manas, which has ...

Increase in Rhino poaching
Manas National Park in Western Assam and Laokhowa Reserve Forest in Central Assam were killed from the 1980s to the 1990s by poachers and insurgents. The estimated population ... National Park, Assam. The translocation is part of the Indian Rhino Vision 2020 that seeks to attain a 3,000-strong rhino population over seven protected areas of the state. Pobitora Sanctuary, with ... More from this site

DSWF - Illegal Trade Investigations and Kaziranga Rhino and Tiger Projects
"Data Base", which in turn is used by MET for management planning (biological) of the rhino population Secondary Objectives: These Rhino Monitoring 'Mini Censuses' also serve as ... as well as drought. Throughout those difficult years, SRT kept up its monitoring of the rhino population, thanks to the loyal support of DSWF. Sebulon Hoeb, Senior tracker on Radio Duty [ ...

DSWF - Illegal Trade Investigations and Kaziranga Rhino and Tiger Projects
Rhino International, will involve continued undercover monitoring of routes used for smuggling rhino horns out of Assam. The project, "Conservation of rhino in India and strategy framework to reduce rhino poaching ... home to an estimated 70 per cent of the world's remaining one-horned rhino population, which numbers approximately 2,400. Sources said despite a considerable decline in incidents of ... More from this site

NRDC: OnEarth Magazine, Spring 2006 - Return of the Black Rhino
DEPARTMENTS Living Green Open Space Poetry Reviews Letters Return of the Black Rhino by Rick Bass With a little help from some friends, a rare ... rhino population in the Kunene doubled. The trust's scientific research -- including an ongoing census of the remaining rhinos -- and its outreach to local communities have helped establish a modest rhino ...

Executive Directors Corner - Intl Rhino Foundation
IRF has already made great strides in preventing further declines and stabilizing rhino population trends in the areas in which we work. Indian, or Greater one-horned rhinos declined ... -funded protection measures, there has not been a single rhino poaching incident in the park in the past 5 years, and the population has stabilized at around between 40 and 60 animals ...

Conservation & Research - Intl Rhino Foundation
We have already made great strides in preventing further declines of these magnificent animals and turning rhino population trends around in the areas in which we work. IRF operates in situ (in nature) programs in Asia and Africa targeted to the rhino species most in ... More from this site

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