reusable office supplies

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Results 1 - 10 from 42 for reusable office supplies in 0.284 sec.

At Work | Concerned Citizens | US EPA
Set up an area to store and exchange reusable office supplies, such as binders Recycle fluorescent bulbs properly to prevent hazardous mercury from entering the environment. Use environmentally preferable cleaning supplies ...

US Gov't Earth Day: At Work
Use spell check and proofread before you print or copy. Print double sided whenever possible. Minimize the amount of paper you use. Buy reusable office supplies instead of disposable supplies. Set up an area to store and exchange reusable office supplies, such as binders Recycle fluorescent bulbs ...

Waste Prevention Activities - Business Services - King County Solid Waste Division
Use outdated letterhead for in-house memos and drafts. Reuse office supplies such as file folders and envelopes (manila and padded). Set up a "reuse station" ... Donate used equipment, furniture and supplies to charitable organizations or schools. Start a "waste exchange" in your building or office park. Advertise surplus and reusable items through a free listing service, ...

Business to Business, Wholesale and Retail, Business Opportunities, Wholesale, Eco Distributors
Purest Organics. Great Stuff. Free Shipping. LAPTOP LUNCHES Reduce Waste with Stylish, Reusable Lunch Containers and Accessories for People on the Go LIFEFORCE GLASS, INC. ... Oils, Organic/Wildcrafted, Carrier Oils, Shea Butter, Supplies SUSTAINABLE GROUP Recycled Corrugated Cardboard 3 Ring Binders & Other Earth-Friendly Office Supplies THE ORGANIC WINE COMPANY Since 1980 ImportingFine European ...

RECYCLED PRODUCTS: Paper, Supplies, Other Products
Recycled Plastic SUSTAINABLE GROUP Recycled Corrugated Cardboard 3 Ring Binders & Other Earth-Friendly Office Supplies TECOART Recycled Computer Hard Drives as Art or for Personalized Awards and Gifts TIRECRAFTING ... These are a waste of resources and energy to produce. In most cases their are reusable alternatives. Buy in bulk or concentrated forms when ever possible. This usually saves money ... More from this site

Great Forest - Resources: Donation Assistance
Manhattan during business hours, and will provide their own transportation for furniture items such as couches. They generally do not accept office ... Recycling Network For large quantities of reusables (including office furniture, reusable ceiling tiles, doors, windows, etc.) this organization, based out of ...

GREEN LIVING, green living tips, living green, green products, organic, chemical free, green products, natural cleaning, organic body care, organic food and pet care, green books, water filters, green living expert, consulting, newsletter, edcuational i
Pollution -excellent-find out about toxics in your community Environmentally Responsible Office Supplies Natural Home Magazine -beautiful magazine with great natural home examples ... and Co-ops. -The GREAT BAG by Grace - 100% Cotton Reusable Grocery bags/Shopping totes. -Zero Your Carbon Footprint Home ...

The program takes donations of art and office supplies, furniture, and art equipment from businesses, individuals, and cultural and municipal sources ... ; used building materials; houseswares; garden; hardware/electrical; clothes and textiles; sporting goods; reusable paints, cleaners, pesticides; and automotive parts. Increasingly, communities working to meet ...

EcoFuture (TM): Things You Can Do Today
Save your coat hangers and return them to the cleaners. Take unwanted, reusable items to a charitable organization or ... to bring reusable mugs to meetings and lunch. Many beverage vending machines will also accept a reusable mug in place of the machine's cups. Route things around the office or ...

Office Supplies | Environmentally Preferable Purchasing | US EPA
Reusable Procurement Guidance Comprehensive Procurement Guidelines (CPG) - Nonpaper Office Products Recycled-content recommendations for procurement of nonpaper office products. Case Studies EPP Program list of Office Supplies Case Studies Web Resources EPP Database Office Equipment Office Furniture Office Supplies ...

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