rest areas

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Results 1 - 10 from 672 for rest areas in 0.270 sec.

Water Quality Permit Application and Miscellaneous Forms - Minnesota Pollution Control Agency
These include city wastewater districts treatment, sanitary districts, wayside rest areas, national or state parks, mobile home parks, and resorts. Municipal permits can be "major," "regular ...

Arsenic in Drinking Water - Washington State Dept of Health
Group A transient non-community (TNC) public water systems (such as gas stations, restaurants, highway rest areas). Three public forums were held in 2003 to stimulate discussion, educate water systems and consumers ...

Cultural Resources |Green Communities | US EPA
Available Information Local/county/regional comprehensive plans ...

California's urban protected areas: Progress despite daunting pressures
Three other important benefits of urban protected areas in California deserve more explanation: preserving biodiversity; economic benefits; and ... lessons in what the rest of the country perceives only as scenery" (Wyatt 1986). Management issues Policy-makers and protected-area managers in these metropolitan areas are faced with ...

League for the Hard of Hearing > Education, Advocacy & Outreach
TTY's in public areas as well as amplified and hearing aid- compatible phones hospitals ... PAY PHONES ON THE GARDEN STATE PARKWAY Good news! All the rest areas on the Garden State Parkway in New Jersey are now ... past summer, and are located in the services building at each rest area. Joseph E. Buckelew, Chairman of the New Jersey Highway Authority ...

Automotive and Street Lighting | Research Areas | Lighting Research Center
Technology Greenhouse Lighting Transformations NLPIP Partners PEARL Solid-State Transportation Research Areas Applications & Design Automotive & Street Lighting Aviation Lighting Controls Daylighting Energy & Environment Health ... at night. DELTA Portfolio: Highway Rest Areas - A case study evaluating the exterior and interior lighting at a newly expanded highway rest area in upstate New York ...

The Future of the Whites: Debate over Roadless Areas and Wilderness
Maine and the rest in New Hampshire. The Maine section contains one of several designated wilderness areas in the WMNF – the Caribou-Speckled Wilderness in Grafton ... use. Why not expand non-motorized uses into wilderness areas and non-motorized areas, he asked. Rozzoto said most roadless areas already allow non-motorized areas. Pozzoto said hiking in all seasons has ...

National Coalition for Marine Conservation's position statements on current fishery management issues such as longline fisheries, offshore aquaculture, marine protected areas and ecosystem-based management
That’s just more expense with little benefit to the rest of us – or the sharks. What we propose is calling the whole thing off. Request ... our efforts to ban the sale of Pacific billfish. MARINE PROTECTED AREAS NCMC believes marine protected areas (MPAs) – defined as areas with specific restrictions on human activities to achieve a specific conservation purpose ...

Press Release: Global Warming - A different pattern in the Arctic than the rest of the world, By Jorunn Gran, Center for International Climate and Environmental Research - Oslo (CICERO), December 30, 2004
LETTERS BLOG MAPS DONATE . . A different pattern in the Arctic than the rest of the world "We were getting some numbers of changes in ... ice One of the key findings in ACIA is that the ocean areas in the Arctic will face a significant reduction in sea ice. ... Arctic regions. Large natural gas fields lie in the northwest Russian ocean areas. "Our models suggest that the Arctic Ocean will be ice free for ...

Protected areas review > Regional > Second workshop
We can not let it rest there. The draft Cambodia national report sets out a program of protected areas and development activities that need to be implemented. ... framework for sustainable development of the Greater Mekong Basin which identifies three pillars: protected areas and the sustainable use and conservation of biodiversity; an effective and comprehensive EIA framework, ...

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