Results 1 - 10 from 165 for requested records in 0.265 sec.
All federal agencies, including EPA, are required to make requested records available unless the records are protected from disclosure by certain FOIA ... opinions made in the adjudication of administrative cases, Agency policy statements, frequently requested records and certain administrative staff manuals to (state everything that's in the Reading ...
Open Records - Access to Information -- F.O.I.A. - WDNR
Records The DNR Web Site provides a great deal of information about DNR activities. The best way to find this information is to use the search feature. Frequently Requested Records Environmental ... personnel are unable to determine what records are being requested, they may ask the requester to be more specific. Requesters are responsible for determining which records from among those located are ...
FOIA (Freedom of Information Act)
Freedom ... ‚ are asked to search their records for materials associated with the request. When requested records are found in the Office of ... Centers Web sites have electronic reading rooms with frequently requested FOIA information. Under the statute, federal agencies ...
Office of the Ombudsman and Public Services | Florida DEP
DEP to provide the records varies somewhat with the volume of the request but DEP is committed to providing requested records as quickly and efficiently as possible. top of page 7. Is the Department of Environmental Protection required to give out information from public records or produce public records in ...
USDA/FAS: Freedom of Information Act
FAS FOIA office tracks incoming FOIA requests and works with FAS offices that hold the requested records to retrieve them for the requestor. The FOIA officer and responsible managers review the ... the records you requested, a copy of all the records you requested, a portion of the records requested with an explanation of why we withheld some records, or an explanation that we have found no records ...
The Center for Food Safety - CFS Sues State of Hawaii for Refusing to Disclose Information on Field Tests of Genetically Engineered Crops in Hawaii
Hawai`i. DOA has denied access to any of the requested records ... Agriculture (USDA). "DOA's reasoning is transparent," explained Earthjustice attorney Isaac Moriwake. "The requested records are held by the state, so state, not federal, law applies. The DOA ...
NJIT: About: Records Request
Records will advise the requestor in writing whether the records will be provided in whole or in part and, if they will not be provided, will state the reasons why the requested records or some part thereof will not be provided. OPRA also permits the Records ...
DFG & FGC Guidelines for Public Records Act Requests
PRA which exempt some or all of the requested records ...
WA Dept. of Ecology -- Public Records Disclosure
Public Records / Public Disclosure Coordinator. To make a request for public records, . . . . . . provide a detailed description of the requested records or information (subject, dates, location, etc.) ... it in either PDF or Microsoft Word format to your computer, fill in the requested information and send it to Ecology as described above. Note: Adobe Reader does ...
Frequently Requested County Records
Requested County Records Frequently Requested County Records Many county agencies retain historical records in their offices. This directory is intended to assist the public and county agencies in locating King County records that are retained by the creating agency, or are housed at another repository, and are requested on a frequent basis. For ease of use, records are ...
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