religious teachings

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Ecotecture | Write for us
Virtually every aspect of human activity, culture and philosophy will have to be reexamined. Religious teachings as old as Genesis will have to be restated if we are to value our ...

GuideStar - News - News Releases - GuideStar Survey: Funding Faith-Based Organizations
No one will be forced to accept religious teachings in order to receive assistance, because secular alternatives to faith-based programs will also ... the Constitutional separation of church and state. It will enable faith-based organizations to force religious teachings on clients as a condition of receiving assistance. It will be difficult to hold ...

The Warner sisters were also known for their deep commitment to religious teachings. Each Sunday, they held Bible classes for cadets from West Point. After Susan's death ...

The Great Intellectual Debate: I Don’t Want It Because I Don’t Like It
Based on this definition, the author concludes: «thus religious slaughter based on strict religious teachings befits the behaviour of those with religious convictions, and must be considered humane by such a society ...

Constitution Island
The Warner sisters were also known for their deep commitment to religious teachings. Each Sunday, they held Bible classes for cadets from West Point. After Susan's death ... - Hunting and Mental Health - James A Swan
"The Id," guided social ethics, religious teachings and laws. Erich Fromm, one of the most widely-respected behavioral scientists of the 20th ...

Culture, Values and the Environment Editorial
Some people argue that the ideas ...

Spiritual Courage
I believe that at at the core of all the major religious traditions -- be they Hindu, Muslim, Hebrew, Christian, or Confucian ... all religious teachings or accept anything and everything as the manifestation of a divine will. In sum, we urgently need to identify, and support, the partnership core of our world's religious ...

Text Only Spiritual Courage
I believe that at at the core of all the major religious traditions -- be they Hindu, Muslim, Hebrew, Christian, or Confucian ... all religious teachings or accept anything and everything as the manifestation of a divine will. In sum, we urgently need to identify, and support, the partnership core of our world's religious ... More from this site

Precaution Reporter | Environmental Research Foundation
In contrast to conservatives living by their political "faith," members of religious faiths have increasingly accepted scientific findings related to global warming, and urged their ... this one they disagreed with him. In these church documents, the scientific basis for religious teachings has included the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), an ...

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