religion and morality

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Results 1 - 10 from 32 for religion and morality in 0.382 sec.

In 1796 George Washington in his Farewell Address wrote: "Observe good faith and justice towards all nations; cultivate peace and harmony with all; religion and morality enjoin this conduct; and ...

McConnell Essay 2003
Earth Trustee choices in words and actions -- and peaceful progress will prevail. John Adams said, "Statesmen may plan and speculate for liberty, but it is religion and morality alone which can establish the principles upon which freedom can securely stand. The only foundation of a free constitution is pure virtue, and ...

HDS - Visiting Faculty - John P. Reeder, Jr.
He has edited and contributed to two volumes with Gene Outka: Religion and Morality (Doubleday, 1973) and ...

Robert Gilman - 200 Years of Identity Crises
Emerson called for the development of a profoundly new culture ("a new race, a new religion, a new state, a new literature.") to fulfill the promise of the New World. ... birth of idealism and morality soon faded in the face of extensive greed, corruption and violence. In this turbulent environment, the prime contenders for Americans' self-image were Social Darwinism and Populism. American ...

Ecostewards Page 2
Living Waters" expresses WSI's belief that stewardship is an ideal unifying science, business, and religion. Our article on the Celebration discusses various events over the September week of celebration ... critical questions: Are the precepts of economics and the needs of the environment mutually exclusive? Does one have to choose between the market and morality? Is economic globalism identical with ...

Deep Ecology
Both White and Naess recognized the need for a change in morality regarding nature. According to them, such change in morality requires a change in ... with the emerging academic field of Religion and Ecology or the greening of religion. Nevertheless, based on the activist teachings of Sri Krishna, Sri Caitanya, and Srila Prabhupada, I would argue that ...

Change of Culture
However, instead of the word “morality” I prefer the word “mentality”, which is a product of logic, sentiment, morality, and so on. In many cases, people appear rational ... until we find a new religion[…]” This new religion and culture is one of sacrifice, self-sacrifice for the greater good and for the higher powers—Their Lordships Radha-Krishna and Their agents, who ... More from this site

Ecology, Ethics and Feelings
(Ehrlich et al. 1977). These all result from things that we, as individuals, do, and for ... what is.... It is an extraneous concept...based on a basic distrust of human intentions.... Morality is what fills the gap when people leave their feelings behind.... The only meaningful ...

HDS - Events Online - Index
Morality, and Cooperation (04/06) Roundtable Conversation on Evolution, Ethics, and Theology (04/06) Women and Gender in Religion Forum: Feminism, Inc.—North American Feminist Theologies and ... and Theological Perspectives Faculty Panel: Religion and Government—A Global Perspective Alumni/ae Panel: HDS—Shaping the Future of Religion and Leadership Virtue Its Own Reward? Evolution, Religion, and ...

Text Only Building a Just and Caring World
The emergence in bits and pieces of the consciousness that a partnership way of structuring human society ...

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