relevant bodies

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Results 1 - 10 from 286 for relevant bodies in 0.208 sec.

IPCC Bogs & Fens of Ireland Conservation Plan 2005 - Campaign Action
A visitor centre focusing on the cultural heritage associated with the traditional ...

Riverbank Conservation Ltd
We can help by putting you in touch with the relevant authorities and agencies and ensure all parties ...

Riverbank Conservation Ltd
Environment Agency and other relevant bodies for approval. A formal quotation for the works would be available at this stage. In ... More from this site

Review of Ros Kelly’s Lead Roundtable
Without delaying action, there was support for selective studies in partnership with industry and other relevant bodies such as NHMRC of the incidence and distribution of blood lead levels to monitor the ...

Animal Welfare - The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy
The Working Group meets: to facilitate the development ... further the welfare of animals and protect the national interest; to liaise with other relevant bodies such as the Animal Welfare Working Group which is a working group of ...

This would involve strengthening the relevant bodies responsible for population issues to enable them to elaborate policies consistent ... enhanced. 5.39. The capacity of the relevant United Nations organs, organizations and bodies, international and regional intergovernmental bodies, non-governmental organizations and local communities should, ...

August 2001 - Durban, South Africa - Draft Declaration and Programme of Action
Urges States, where appropriate working with other relevant bodies, to commit financial resources to anti‑racism education and to media campaigns promoting ... and valuable contribution to humanity; 130. Urges States, where appropriate working with other relevant bodies, to commit financial resources to anti‑racism education and to media campaigns promoting ...

Oceanographic Commission of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and the relevant bodies of the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, as well as in ... in relation to the clearing-house mechanism, to take action in the governing bodies of relevant intergovernmental organizations and programmes so as to ensure that these organizations and programmes ...

Our Bodies, Our Lives! (Do or Die)
Women examined their bodies together, shared insights, found self-help remedies to many common health problems and began spreading ... that really addressed women's needs, including realistic drawings and photos of their bodies, along with all the relevant information that had been explored. A couple of years ago a few women ...

IFOAM | IFOAM Professional Bodies
Association IFOAM Initiatives Farmers Group Official Status FAO UNCTAD UNEP ISO IFOAM Professional Bodies The core of specialized professionals who work with IFOAM is comprised of four ... Forum makes for an efficient network of organic agriculture consultants who have access to relevant mechanisms for professional development. The aquaculture Group and Retailers' Association work to foster ...

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