Results 1 - 2 from 2 for releasing the glochidia in 0.083 sec.
Unionid Mussels in Kansas
These packets are called conglutinates. When a predator fish tries to eat this decoy, the conglutinate ruptures in its mouth, releasing the glochidia. Super Conglutinate! The ultimate in mussel trickery is called a super conglutinate! This is made up of dozens of conglutinates formed into a larger shape that are attached to the ...
Giant Floater
A key characteristic of the giant floater is the absence of either lateral or pseudocardinal teeth. This is a bradytictic species, forming embryos in fall and releasing the glochidia in late winter/early spring. It uses a wide variety of fish species as hosts for its glochidia including freshwater drum and various gar, ...
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