regeneration burn

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Results 1 - 10 from 47 for regeneration burn in 0.361 sec.

Goongerah Environment Centre
El Grande, Tasmania's largest tree, which was declared dead last week following a regeneration burn in an adjacent logging coupe which fatally burnt the tree. "It would be a tragedy ...

Goolengook - too precious to log
Rainforests are extremely sensitive to fire. 4. The Goolengook forest provides valuable, undisturbed habitat for ...

SX 15A in the Styx valley. Photo from anonymous source. Regeneration burn following clearfell logging in north-western Tasmania’s Tarkine area. You can see the helicopter ... of forest is treated this way in Tasmania every year. Escaped regeneration burn in the Styx valley, March 1998. This regeneration burn escaped and burnt out about 1500 ha of native forest and plantations ... More from this site

logging in water catchments
Easter," she told The Age. Another controlled burn got away in a special forest experiment, also part of Professor Lindenmayer's work. In ... be left for future animal habitat was burnt. But the spokeswoman said: "At Toolangi the regeneration burn did get into the island, but the mountain ash will survive and provide animal habitat ...

Equity Watch - Global Environmental Government Unit - Centre for Science and Environment (CSE)
Kyoto Protocol. However, in such condi-tions ... like fires and pest infestations. Management practices may specify that certain fires be allowed to burn for ecological reasons. Techniques are available to measure the changes in carbon content, but ...

A Sense of Place (Do or Die)
To speed up the heathland regeneration, and involve the local community, 10,000 heather cuttings ... which produced the distinctiveness of each heathland? A bit of scrub bashing and the occasional burn will not compensate for the centuries of human interaction which has now been lost. All ...

Restoration Round-up (Do or Die)
Ultimately this should see trees and scrub creeping back ... in propagating trees, shrubs and wildflowers, these new woods, sheltering along the line of a burn or in the lee of a hill, should become seed sources themselves in turn - ... More from this site

Global Forest Science - Media Archive
Jacoby Creek Middle School, they tracked and discovered why an out of control burn changed course. > PLAY VIDEO Learning Outdoors - School Outreach Dr. Reese Halter visits schools to encourage ... pine in BC and Alberta is leading to more intense fires that will delay the regeneration of the forest. > HEAR BROADCAST Other TV and Radio Appearances Discovery Channel TV - Daily Planet ...

Wet Gas Scrubbers for petrochemical industry; features & benefits - Hamon Research-Cottrell
FCCUs that operate in the partial burn mode and thus are downstream of CO boilers. The other half are on FCCUs that operate in the full burn regeneration mode. In addition, a third ...

Old growth Forests and Stored Carbon, New Plans to Burn our Forests For Fuel, RFA Reference Groups
Old growth Forests and Stored Carbon, New Plans to Burn our Forests For Fuel, RFA Reference Groups Did You Know? Old Growth Forests contain an ... as certain as the disturbed mulch is exposed to the air and breaks down. Gareth "Regeneration" burn in East Gippsland Forests Forests for Fuel If you thought that we had enough to ...

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