Results 1 - 4 from 4 for refracting telescope in 0.103 sec.
The History of Cosmic Inquiry | The Franklin Institute's Resources for Science Learning
Francisco real estate after the Gold Rush, was persuaded to build a 36-inch refracting telescope in the first mountain top observatory, near San Jose, California. Astronomer George Ellery Hale ... 40-inch refracting telescope, still the world's largest. Hale constantly strove to build larger telescopes to see better and farther. He persuaded Andrew Carnegie to finance a 60-inch reflecting telescope ...
Hawaiian Astronomical Society Deepsky Atlas - Telescopium
The telescope itself has an interesting, and long history. From its invention by the Dutch and Germans in the 16th century, Galileo developed the all lens (or refracting) design with ... late 18th century design. Observations through his telescopes laid the groundwork for the NGC catalog. Refracting telescopes in the mid 17th century usually consisted of a 2"-3" (50-75mm) lens ...
Free Things to Do in Washington, D.C. @ National Geographic Traveler
Weather permitting, tours include a view through the 12-inch Alvan Clark Refracting Telescope. Requests for tour reservations should be made 4-6 weeks in advance of the tour ...
Exploratorium Magazine: Space
Cosmic Players Try This! Make Your Own Telescope Discover how a refracting telescope works by making one from scratch, using common items. This telescope won't have a tubeāthat's so you can see how an image is formed inside a telescope. Dr ...