Results 1 - 3 from 3 for redwood bark mulch in 0.130 sec.
Mulching for Weed Control
The redwood bark and wood chip mulches were installed at a depth ... cover; plots containing 2" of redwood bark mulch averaged 12.4% weed cover; and plots receiving no mulch averaged 30.296 weed cover, Discussion: The data shows that all mulch treatments were significantly more effective ...
Environmental Resources
Cypress Mulch shall not be used because its harvest degrades cypress wetlands. This only applies to new development. We do not recommend the use of red dyed mulch, which looks like redwood, as it may contain pressure-treated lumber chips. We do recommend pine bark as it allows water to flow through to the roots, whereas Cypress Mulch fuses ...
Amphibian Articles - Substrate Mixtures for the Vivarium
(Searcey, 2001). Xerimulch, by Kellogg Co., is a similar landscaping mulch. Fir bark can be purchased in other ... noxious resins, phenols, or sap (Searcey, 2001). Avoid pine, because of its noxious sap, and redwood bark because it contains bacteria-inhabiting properties (Searcey, 2001). Also avoid eucalyptus for the same ...