reduce dolphin

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Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
NO REDUCTION IN DOLPHIN KILLING While touting itself as an international dolphin conservation agreement, in fact it weakens dolphin protection by failing to provide any mechanism to reduce dolphin ...

Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
Commerce to change the definition of the "dolphin-safe" label on tuna cans reflects the success of a 12-nation agreement to reduce dolphin kills in the Eastern Tropical Pacific ... the drafting of the international dolphin agreement that the agreement does >NOT< reduce dolphin deaths and that GreenpeaceUSA was disappointed that it did not include measures to reduce dolphin deaths. The new agreement ... More from this site

Bush Reduces Dolphin Protection to Increase Tuna Harvest
U.S. under a "dolphin safe" label, could spell disaster for imperiled dolphin populations. On December 31, the National ... dolphin safe label, so long as no dolphins are injured or killed during the set in which the tuna are caught. "One of our main goals is to reduce dolphin ... In 1991, NMFS implemented the "dolphin safe" labeling system as a way of reducing dolphin deaths due to tuna fishing. ...

The Tuna-Dolphin Controversy
In 1978, the IATTC's Tuna-Dolphin Programme was organised to conduct research on dolphins, to reduce dolphin mortality through gear research, fishermen training, and net inspections, to place observers on vessels of the international fleet, and to make recommendations for dolphin conservation. ...

NCMC Conservation News - effectiveness of longline time and area closures in US Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, dolphin and sharks
Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico meant to conserve swordfish, sailfish, marlin, dolphin and sharks home about us conservation news position statements action items ... ph 703-777-0037 fax 703-777-1107 NCMC works to reduce ocean fish bycatch as part of our conservation efforts for shark, ... 5% White marlin -47.5% Blue marlin -50.3% Sailfish -74.6% Dolphin -47.2% Large coastal sharks -27.9% Pelagic sharks -55.9 ...

Gold Seal - Products - Dolphin Friendly
In recognizing the need for ... Ocean tuna fishery? Will Congress accept proven scientific advise that implementation of the U.S. dolphin-safe policy throughout the eastern Pacific Ocean would endanger yellow fin tuna conservation and ...

Dolphin Care UK -
Use of selective fishing methods can reduce bycatch. Governments should introduce clear bycatch reduction targets. Fisheries unable to meet these targets ... the dolphins at the same time, killing or injuring them. Claims that tuna is 'dolphin safe' or 'dolphin friendly' supposedly mean these methods weren't used. When we asked the major ...

When a dolphin is taken away from her pod, she ... will eventually accept her new diet. When she does, we gradually reduce the amount of small pieces of fish and increase the amount ... thing. FOR AN UPDATE ON DOLPHIN STEPHANIA, GO TO 'RESCUE OF DOLPHIN STEPHANIA PART ll' Copyright Dolphin Project 1998 Please do not copy photos ...

Dolphin Care UK -
Beaked Porpoise Other Information Site Map Site Links Awards Bycatch Dolphin Care Uk is determined to help stop the needless killing ... Technical, educational and legal measures can be taken to avoid or reduce cetacean by-catch. Most fishermen would not want to catch ... 2007. This regulation also made provision for the monitoring of dolphin bycatch in trawl fisheries from January 2005 in the English ...

EDGE of Existence :: Yangtze River dolphin
Three Gorges Dam is likely to affect downstream fish stocks and further reduce areas of suitable habitat. Population fragmentation is also likely to have affected any surviving ... of fishermen interviews along the Yangtze River, to investigate which factors drove the Yangtze River dolphin to the edge of extinction, and whether local knowledge suggests that any dolphins might ...

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