Results 1 - 10 from 73 for reduce bycatch in 0.498 sec.
Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
Mexico, Venezuela, and Colombia. Once the "bycatch" issue successfully provided a green cast to the package of MMPA-weakening amendments in Congress, any meaningful efforts to reduce bycatch disappeared. Our organizations have ...
Greenpeace Foundation: Dolphin Alert
GreenpeaceUSA's statement is an oblique reference to its theory that increasing sets "on dolphins" will reduce bycatch ... , but more bycatch. Fishermen fish opportunistically in the ETP, and do not pass up log sets to seek dolphin herds, so even increasing dolphin sets will not reduce bycatch. Indeed, Mexico ...
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Monterey Bay Aquarium: Seafood Watch Program - How Fish are Caught or Farmed
Trawlers (such as U.S. shrimpers) can reduce bycatch by adding turtle excluder devices and bycatch reduction devices to their nets, which ...
NOAA Fisheries Feature
Plan (6/25/08) This rule, designed to rebuild overfished species of Atlantic sharks, should reduce bycatch through establishment of a shark research fishery, closing areas to bottom longline fishing, and a ... at Fish Expo Atlantic (5/21/08) The Eliminator is designed to target haddock and reduce bycatch of cod and other groundfish species by capitalizing on differences in fish behavior. The net ...
NOAA Fisheries Feature
The bycatch problem is complex, in part, because an action that is taken to reduce the bycatch ... taken to decrease one type of bycatch mortality can increase another type. It is a contentious issue, in part, because actions to reduce bycatch mortality typically change the ...
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WWF - Marine Conservation
Shipping Oil & gas Pollution Aquaculture Climate change Bycatch Initiative Our Solutions Marine Programme Marine Protected Areas ... other creatures in its path. These other animals are called bycatch. Bycatch is devastating our oceans. Yet it need not be ... and partners in Latin America and the Caribbean to reduce bycatch of marine turtles and secure sustainable fisheries. Check ...
WWF - In partnership with other Non Governmental Organisations (NGOs)
An unknown proportion drowns. This incidental capture in fishing gear is known as bycatch. Little is known about leatherbacks' migration habits, but they do travel extensively across the ... it is hoped to identify areas of potential conflict with fisheries and design measures to reduce bycatch. This high-tech tracking system is expensive, and the partners therefore offer US$10,000 ...
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EJF: Impacts of bycatch
(BRDs), which retain shrimp, but allow more fish to escape from nets unharmed. BRDs have been used very successfully to reduce bycatch in the cold- ... needed; at present there are few well-established technical or operational means to reduce bycatch in these fisheries. Innovative bycatch reduction measures need to be devised, and the EU should take a ...
EJF: Why an International Plan of Action (IPOA) on bycatch reduction?
For more on specific measures to reduce bycatch, see EJF's report: Squandering the Seas. Who supports bycatch reduction? As part of EJF's campaign for bycatch reduction, ...
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National Coalition for Marine Conservation -- dedicated exclusively to conserving ocean fish, preventing overfishing, reducing fish bycatch and protecting marine habitat
We work to prevent overfishing, reduce fish bycatch and protect marine habitat for fish such as swordfish, marlin, sharks, tuna, herring, ... store Longline area closures in SE Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico successful in reducing bycatch - see bycatch reduction figures and map NCMC's position statement on Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) ...
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