red oak

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The Red Oak
Red Oak The Red Oak Throughout time and across cultures, the oak has symbolized strength. In the Odyssey, Odysseus (Ulysses) twice consulted the "divine foliage" of Zeus's majestic oak. The Celts prized the oak as ... important are the white oak, bur oak, and red oak. Squirrels, jays, bears, and white-tailed deer all feed on acorns, the fruit of the oak. In areas where the bur oak abounds, such as the ...

FORE214 - Species list
Dacrycarpus dacridioides - Kahikatea, White pine (NZ) 2> Genus Dacrydium a: Dacrydium cupressinum - Rimu, red pine (NZ) 3> Genus Podocarpus a: Podocarpus totara D.Don - totara (NZ) e> Family ... 3: Nothofagus menziesii (Hook.f.) Oersted - silver beech (NZ) d: Genus Quercus 1: White Oak group 2: Red Oak group c> Order Hamamelidales 1> Family Platanaceae - Planetree a: Genus Platanus - plane trees ...

kvlt : news : press release
Catawba Indians. The easements are heavily wooded and contain species such as red oak, white oak, yellow poplar, loblolly and short leaf pine, and river birch. Wildflowers such as trillium ...

Maryland Native Plant Society: Woody Flora of the Diabase, Boyds, Maryland
Oak Quercus bicolor Swamp White Oak Quercus prinoides Dwarf Chinquapin Oak Quercus prinus Chestnut Oak Quercus rubra Red Oak Quercus shumardii Shumard’s Oak Quercus velutina Black Oak Quercus palustris Pin Oak Quercus coccinea Scarlet Oak Quercus imbricaria Shingle Oak ...

Invasive Non-Native Plants
RECOMMENDED NATIVE SHADE TREES: White oak (Quercus alba), northern or southern red oak (Q. rubra, Q. falcata), and mockernut hickory (Carya tomentosa) are ... the two hybridize. Trumpet honeysuckle (Lonicera sempervirens), a semi-evergreen twining shrub with tubular red flowers attractive to hummingbirds, is uncommon but indigenous to the piedmont. Native wisteria ( ... More from this site

White Oak  Quercus alba
The acorns of the White Oak have a sweeter taste than the Red Oak and are a favorite food of black bear, deer, squirrels and blue jays. The acorns of the White Oak do not store well. Instead of wintering over to germinate the following year after falling as do the acorns of the "red oak" subspecies, the acorns of a White Oak ...

White Oak  Quercus alba
The acorns of the White Oak have a sweeter taste than the Red Oak and are a favorite food of black bear, deer, squirrels and blue jays. The acorns of the White Oak do not store well. Instead of wintering over to germinate the following year after falling as do the acorns of the "red oak" subspecies, the acorns of a White Oak ... More from this site

Malcolm Pirnie - Home
Award-Winning Projects Malcolm Pirnie Completes Acquisition of R. Stuart Royer & Associates Other Sites Red Oak Consulting © 2007 Malcolm Pirnie Inc. All Rights Reserved. Privacy | Legal Notices Questions or comments may ...

2007 IUCN Red List – 2006 Photo Gallery
Logging for timber, road construction and expansion of farmland has considerably reduced these ... © HerbaiVirtual de les Illes Barears. Fungi Funcia di Basiliscu (Pleurotus nebrodensis) entered the 2006 Red List as Critically Endangered. This mushroom only occurs in northern Sicily, growing in scattered ...

Pioneer Millworks - Recycled Oak
Us Flooring Gallery Commercial Floors Timbers Mantles & Siding Millwork Contact Reclaimed Oak The traditional choice, we offer either red or white oak flooring (or will gladly combine the species to produce even more contrast). Our Settler's Plank recycled oak produces a rugged look while ...

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