Results 1 - 10 from 211 for rare plant populations in 0.260 sec.
City to propose $18.6 million wetlands reserve
Some of the wetlands would be accessible as public parks. Some would be reserved for rare plant populations, wildlife, or flood water retention. Development has been at a near standstill in west Eugene ...
Truce emerging on wetlands issue
Traditional foes get behind plan for west Eugene
They also have proved effective at filtering out pollution and controlling floods. Federal ... of the wetlands would be accessible as public parks and some would be reserved for rare plant populations, wildlife or flood control. "You could actually turn the Amazon Channel, which is a sewer ...
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NAA Journal Abstracts
The articles in this issue focus on the distribution of southeastern rare plants and some habitats of concern, and discuss ecological and management aspects of rarity. As rare plant populations ...
Piedmont Land Conservancy...Saving the Places You Love
PLC properties featuring Schweinitz’s Sunflower. Learn about controlled burns and rare plant populations. Meet at Hanging Rock State Park Visitor’s Center at 10am. Bring a picnic lunch ...
International Botanical Congress Statement on Biodiversity
Place special attention on conserving medicinal plants, important for the livelihood of ... begun to realize how important the survival of pollinators is to the survival of healthy plant populations," said Raven. Held only once every six years, the International Botanical congress last met in ...
Flora of Daintree Rainforest - Australia - Plants & plant species: Blue Quandons, Stinging Tree, Wait-a-While
The Daintree rainforests is home to one of the highest populations of primitive flowering plants in the world. Of 19 primitive plant ...
Sourcebook Appropriate Plants
(A variety of plant species occurs in nature, making more stable and diverse plant populations.) The abundance ... , environmentally sound collection techniques should be used and permission of the land owner obtained. Rare plants should never be collected from the wild. Field-dug specimens should be "heeled ...
Plant surveys
Counting Crane's-bills helped to assess the health of the UK geranium populations, and will enable future surveys to determine changes in their abundance and distribution. return to ... the Common Plants Survey. The BSBI co-ordinated the Local Change Survey and the County Rare Plant Registers. Over 5,500 people took part in the project, including 100 schools participating in ...
Arkansas's Rare Species: Resources related to Arkansas natural heritage, conservancy programs, MAWPT, biodiversity, Louisiana Purchase
Arkansas. Technically, these area species are known as "species of special concern" and can be considered to be rare for a number ... Disjuncts: species whose populations occur in widely separated areas. Such an example is sand cherry (Prunus pumila), a plant primarily found in the northern United States. Isolated populations of this plant also occur ...
Arkansas's Rare Species: Resources related to Arkansas natural heritage, conservancy programs, MAWPT, biodiversity, Louisiana Purchase
Populations of this species occur in Arkansas, Louisiana, and Missouri. Geocarpon occurrences in Arkansas are limited to Bradley, Drew, and Franklin Counties. Habitat: In Arkansas, Geocarpon is restricted to a very rare ... and protection of the areas Geocarpon currently inhabits is critical as extirpated populations seldom reestablish and the potential for this species to recolonize areas of ...
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