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Paper from old growth forests
Upon questioning their future use of paper from old growth forests, 5 companies (23% of respondents) replied that ... reply, more companies can be expected to possibly take the same measure in the future. Upon questioning their future plans, 15 companies (60% of respondents) replied that they will "use a higher ...
IC40 - Creating a Future We Can Live With
Country, High Hopesby Alan AtKisson The Dutch aim to make their entire country a model of sustainability in one generation. ... deep thinking and action. Plus a summary of The Strategic Questioning Process. Rehearsing the Futureby Bunyan Bryant Solstice 2010 by David ... Independence by Smitu Kothari School of the Future by Running Grass Why Imagine the Future? by Elise Boulding Complexity: The Science ...
Only The Poets Can Save Us Now
Adolph's orders for years, suddenly stopped and gasped. The orders were to destroy their future! The poem of salvation that spread across Germany like wildfire was this one: "Der ... transformation include unconditional love, the Golden Rule, voluntary poverty, wilderness quests, remembering ancient wisdom, questioning everything, and using the sacred power of your words to put a sharp bend ...
Åìåßò óôï Terra Cypria - A touch of spice in a bi-communal kitchen
Snake George's Reptile Park and questioning their own fears of these misunderstood and persecuted creatures. In fact, one of the underlying ... " Member-StatesCost of Renewable Energy 10 times cheaper than "Business as Usual" Fossil Fuelled Future, Says Breakthrough ReportHungary set to Pass "Strictest" GMO Crop LawUN Issues Desertification WarningÌÝôñá ...
Action Alert!
They definitely don't fit the image of public servants. They don't want anybody questioning their work. 4. Final Cleanup Unknown How can ... we successfully challenged in court a few years ago.) This sets a dangerous precedent for future proposals like Kidney Island. 7. Inflated Benefits Georgia Pacific is providing only $7 million as ...
Books Etc.
Ayres, Ed God’s Last Offer: Negotiating for a Sustainable Future With six billion natives and an onslaught of problems, old Mother Earth has become a ... never follow the book's prescription in its entirety, but few will come away without questioning their own priorities. Durning, Alan How Much is Enough? Hawken, Paul, Amory Lovins, and L. Hunter ...
(6/9/2002) Bari vs. FBI Trial: After 12 Years, Judi Bari Has Her Day In Court
Her message is that unsustainable corporate logging policies are costing timber workers their future jobs. "We're not here to protest loggers or mill workers, or any Louisiana Pacific ... being under investigation by the FBI. Some small logging company publicly threatened them Then the questioning turned to her activity leading up to the bombing. She was employed as a carpenter ...
Greens today further pursued Minister Green over his inaction on addressing Heavy Vehicle safety, questioning the minister, whether Coronial inquiries into recent fatalities involving log trucks rolling or tipping ... in handy for rigging protest platforms in the trees. They are also potentially putting their future livelihoods on the line, as demonstrated by the legal action for damages launched ...
Open Spaces Magazine - Regionalism 101
Stanford University I obtained broader observations about the West (rather than specifically the Northwest) from East Coast students and some interesting comments about the East Coast students from their ... directed; they seem to know already what they want to do. This concern about their future may be what led one Northwest student to say that his East Coast acquaintances ...
Woodland Garden Plants - Plants For A Future
On questioning the kids, he said that most walked through the woods on the way to and from school and nibbled teaberries,and their leaves and twigs along their way Has anyone ... the information contained in these pages is Copyright (C) Plants For A Future, 1996-2008. Plants For A Future is a charitable company limited by guarantee, registered in England and Wales. Charity ...
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