Results 1 - 5 from 5 for pumice dust in 0.223 sec.
John Muir & I
Reds Meadows was composed of "pumice dust and horse shit." He was right. Each footstep stirred up a ... horses galloped up the trail towards me in a cloud of pumice dust. I moved aside and held my bandana over my nose. Three ... Creek crossing I stopped for an early lunch, washing away all the pumice dust coating my mouth with two liters of lemonade. Cicadas chanted in ...
Green Home Building: Natural Building Techniques: Earthbag
Build a Small Earthbag Dome The Earthbag Architecture of Akio Inoue Building with Unbonded Pumice Lunar and Terrestrial Sustainable Building Technology in the New Millenium: An Interview with Nader Khalili ... group effort, and it was amazing to see the structure actually rise out of the dust! It became apparent after a couple of days work that the Glorieta was not going ...
Kodiak Island, Alaska - Official Visitors Guide - Eruption of 1912
It was very heavy. The third layer was like powdered pumice and was not more than two inches deep. All that summer we had occasional earthquakes ...
Natural Building Colloquium
Tsankawi ruins. On the floor under two inches of dust was an intact layer of peachy-colored clay sealing the coarse ... final coat before the aliz, and if your adobe, cob, rammed earth, pumice-crete or straw/clay walls are even, as I know the last ... available. Be careful not to breathe the fine particles of dust and mica, or wear a dust mask while mixing. Keep adding these ingredients until ...
Green Home Building: Article about the history of earthbag building
They used pumice to pack in the bags, because it weighs less and has better thermal insulating properties ... filled with earthen materials. Actually his first concept was to fill the bags with moon dust! Attending a 1984 NASA symposium for brainstorming ways to build shelters on the moon, Khalili ...