Results 1 - 10 from 87 for proven reserves in 0.372 sec.
Resource Candidate SDI
Reserves Definition: Changes in the stocks and use of metal and mineral reserves Candidate SDI: Mineral Depletion (268 UN CSD) Definition: Depletion of mineral resources (% of proven reserves ...
Living On Earth: Week of September 21, 2001
North Sea. This already puts it in the big leagues, although as a percentage of global proven reserves, it doesn't ... my.... STARR: Exactly right. The fact is three percent, four percent of the world's proven reserves, depending on its physical location and accessibility, can be terribly important. CURWOOD: Tell me about ...
bauxite (aluminium ore) mining operations Mining Technology
US$1bn. Its capacity could also be trebled by 2019. GEOLOGY AND RESERVES Bauxite deposits are found across much of western and central Guinea, having been formed by ... , aluminium-rich rocks. The deposits are typically close to the surface. Proven reserves total some 2,300Mt with additional probable reserves of 18,600Mt, most of which contains between 40% and 50% aluminium ...
Samancor Chrome Mines Mining Technology
Mineral types: Lumpy and finer chromite Key equipment: Hand-held pneumatic drills Reserves: 19.8Mt proven, 51.3Mt probable Full specifications With low electricity prices, South Africa has been ... head office in Johannesburg." At end-June 2002, Samancor's proven reserves totalled 16.6Mt grading 42.4% Cr2O3 with probable reserves of 23.4Mt. Total resources are estimated to be sufficient ...
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Global warming and cooling during the past 400,000 years/TITLE>
Including Canada and Mexico brings the total to only 4.6%. Coincidentally, both Canada and the United States have proven reserves equal ... and South America together have 4.7% of the world's proven natural gas reserves. Venezuela has the lion's share at 2.7%. ... will not be able to take up the slack. Alaska has proven reserves equal to two years of United States consumption. A gas ...
Fossil Fuels
The resulting oil remains trapped in these spaces, forming oil reserves which can be extracted through large drilling platforms. The use of oil increased significantly after ... , up until the present day, there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of proven reserves of natural gas. Consequently, natural gas has become the fastest-growing energy resource. The present ...
Fossil Fuels
The resulting oil remains trapped in these spaces, forming oil reserves which can be extracted through large drilling platforms. The use of oil increased significantly after ... , up until the present day, there has been a dramatic increase in the amount of proven reserves of natural gas. Consequently, natural gas has become the fastest-growing energy resource. The present ...
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When it's wiser to punt for a CO2 goal
Once we have de- pleted the relatively low-cost proven reserves, perhaps by the latter part of the next century, economic forces will dictate a change ...
Untitled Document
C. 80% 2.) How many years of oil reserves are left in the World and in Western Europe? (If the proven reserves of oil remain and the current level of consumption is ...
Indonesia worries over dwindling reserves | ASPO International | The Association for the Study of Peak Oil and Gas
BPMigas, warned today that the country's depleting oil reserves could be exhausted in 10 years' time if no new reserves are found. "The declining rate in production is between ... found new reserves," Edi Purwanto, deputy chief of watchdog, BPMigas, told reporters according to Reuters. Indonesia has around 8.6 billion barrels of proven and potential oil reserves, but most of these reserves ...
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