proven and probable

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Outokumpu Lead and Zinc Mine Mining Technology
Pb (proven and probable) Annual production 2.5Mt ore yielding 195,800t of zinc and 26,600t of lead (2005) Full specifications Tara lead and ... and 2.0% lead proven and 12.3Mt probable with 8.5% Zn and 1.8% Pb. Measured resources totalled 1.1Mt. grading 7.1% Zn and ...

North Ltd Zinc, Lead and Silver Mine Mining Technology
Nygruvan orebody and the western Burkland and Knalla mining areas. At end-2005, proven and probable ore reserves totalled 8.16Mt grading 9.7% zinc, 4.7% lead and 98g/t silver. Measured and indicated resources were 1.85Mt at 8.4% Zn, 2.5% Pb and 66g ... More from this site

Oil&gas and environment facts
Learn more ***** ORDER NOW! Highly recommended by the ... are the newly released USGS estimates. The USGS 95 percent probable value is 2,248 billion barrels (meaning there is ... have the world's largest proven crude oil reserves? Countries that have the world's largest proven crude oil reserves are (1996): ...

Our Stolen Future: A global assessment by WHO and NIEHS
And thus on this basis, the assessment concludes that while it is plausible that endocrine disruption is the cause of the health effects, it is not scientifically proven. While such ... probable causal mechanism was not found until 1996, and even this is still not universally accepted." Lyon's also cites DDT as another good example of the delay between evidence of effect and ...

U.S. Global Change Research Information Office
Each of the three theories has proven quite useful in practice, in spite of the acknowledged simplifications that they employ. For example ... the probable impacts of enhanced greenhouse warming. The study is admittedly limited by the often case-specific state of what is known of effects of the environment on fish stocks, and by ...

Activists and hipsters without territory or a plan
Obstacles of the unhip minds The typical activist is just another struggling member of society facing unprecedented stress and probable ...

DLNR and DOH – A Toxic Combinati
Unfortunately, this particular legislation is for “searches without probable ... facilities, illegal dumping and other activities have been proven to have a negative impact on fish populations and other marine resources. Research publications and government and privately funded ...

Common Greywater Mistakes and Preferred Practices
Grey water central Error: Use of grey water for irrigating lawns The only proven safe and reliable way of irrigating lawns with grey water is through underground drip tubing supplied by ... grey water first on ornamentals, then on fruit trees, and then use the fresh water you saved on veggies. Exceptions A probable exception: veggies irrigated subsurface with grey water in a greenhouse ...

Africa • The Coming Global Oil Crisis
(SEC) or political (OPEC) data and should not be aggregated or used in forecasts about the future. Only proven plus probable estimates should be used and only annual production of mature fields is ... field production is constrained by OPEC quotas or investment. But now quotas are less and less followed and investments are plenty from IOCs for countries which do not deny signed agreements as ...

100 months: Why we must act now on climate change, and where to begin
In the evening, trains will be littered with abandoned newspaper sports pages ... time, and perversely, as awareness of climate change goes up, ever more money pours through the City into the oil companies. These companies list their fossil-fuel reserves as "proven" or "probable". A ...

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