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NCMC Conservation News on our efforts to prevent overfishing, reduce fish bycatch and protect marine habitat for fish such as swordfish, marlin, sharks, tuna, herring, striper and menhaden
Marine Bulletin • Ocean View • News NCMC's newsletter, Marine Bulletin, is widely recognized as one of the most informative and authoritative marine conservation newsletters available. ...
Recent Regulations to Protect Marine Turtles - Office of Protected Resources - NOAA Fisheries
Marine Mammals Cetaceans Pinnipeds Marine Turtles Marine & Anadromous Fish Marine Invertebrates & Plants Species of Concern Threatened & Endangered Species Critical Habitat Maps Contact OPR Glossary OPR Site Map Recent Regulations to Protect Marine ...
NRPA, Protect Marine Resources
Protect Marine Resources NATURAL RESOURCES PROTECTIVE ASSOCIATION P.O. BOX 050328 STATEN ISLAND, NEW YORK 10305 (718) 987-6037 Protecting The Marine Environment Since 1977 Homepage Who Are We? Events NRPA Links NYC Comprehensive Waterfront Plan Baykeeper Of NY/NJ Waterfront Access Citation Protect Marine Resources Clamming in ...
Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 1994
Maintaining the original aspirations of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, the Amendments continue to protect marine mammals, seeking to maintain stocks at, or ... MARINE MAMMAL PROTECTION ACT Incidental Mortality During Commercial Fishing -- Marine Mammal Stock Assessments -- Take Reduction Plan -- Authorization To Take Marine Mammals -- On-Board Observer Coverage -- Marine ...
National Coalition for Marine Conservation -- dedicated exclusively to conserving ocean fish, preventing overfishing, reducing fish bycatch and protecting marine habitat
Our mission is to build public awareness of the threats to our marine fisheries, provide ... England NCMC testified in May 2008 on a pair of bills to protect Atlantic menhaden. *NEW* NCMC's newsletter Marine Bulletin now available as an e-newsletter Gulf of California Sardine Fishery ...
NRDC: Protecting Whales from Dangerous Sonar
Fully revised 2nd edition, published 11/05 Scientists have proven that military sonar can injure and even kill whales. To protect marine life from the lethal effects of sonar, NRDC is working nationally and internationally to establish strict regulations on sonar use so that whales and other marine mammals don' ...
Marine - Defenders of Wildlife
Some of these protections include marine reserve, marine protected areas, and national marine sanctuary designations. Additional laws, treaties, and protections include the United Nations Law of the Sea, Marine ...
WWF - Our Solutions: Marine Protected Areas
WWF uses the term Marine Protected Area as an overarching description of: An area designated to protect marine ecosystems, processes, habitats, and species, which can ... resilience to protect against damaging external impacts, such as climate change Helping to maintain local cultures, economies, and livelihoods which are intricately linked to the marine environment ...
NRDC: Whales & Marine Mammals: In Brief
About Us Blog Donate Take Action The Natural Resources Defense Council works to protect wildlife and wild places and to ensure a healthy environment for all life ... Waste & Energy Smart Growth International Issues Green Enterprise Issues: Wildlife Animals & Birds Fish Whales & Marine Mammals Habitat Preservation In Brief ArticlesProtecting Whales from Dangerous Sonar NewsNRDC intensifies the ...
Commonwealth marine areas are a matter of national environmental significance under the EPBC Act
Marine protected areas are marine areas which are recognised to have high conservation value. More: Commonwealth marine environment Marine protected areas Protecting Commonwealth marine areas Commonwealth marine ...
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